On the list thing (yeah I'm late to the discussion) -- I don't like it because people can truly be cray-cray for a brief moment of time. Life is hard. Stress is hard. People 'blow up' at things. I like to think I"m pretty level headed (I could be way wrong).
However, late last year/early this year -- I was pretty batshit insane myself and was behavior blind to my own crap. I had suddenly lost a job, I lost friends that were like family, I ended a relationship, I had ZERO income, I was denied unemployment because I worked at a non-profit, I was getting in debt, I got suicidal, I got super depressed and couldn't see my own behaviors, I felt constantly like I was drowning -- like I really felt like I couldn't breathe most the time, I took MU* things harder than normal, I couldn't see beyond my own life falling around my ears, that doesn't even touch my issues that happened with my child during that time -- I was fricking cray-cray.
Now - if anyone took time to know me. They would know I'm really not that person. People that are in my life would think you were crazy suggesting it. I'm super happy, laid-back and optimistic ALL THE TIME. So then I would be on this list because there is at least one set of game staff (cough cough Arx cough cough) that the time frame was my ONLY interaction with them. They have no clue to my honest personality now that I'm employed, moved, etc. --- So I would be on this list for a really SUCKTASTIC part of my life that I was not myself at all. How would that be fair?
Sure there are a million and ten reasons against people. If I staffed a game (I have refused to do so for like a decade now), I would be suspect if I knew some people were XYZ. However, I'd wait until they did something on the game. I like to think people can change. Really, if I'm honest, I would rather be screwed over by people thinking they can change and they didn't; then to live paranoid of what might happen.