@Aria said in Aria's Playlist:
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in Aria's Playlist:
I have zero long-pent rage for you (also, good to see you about)! Phin @ Orion here, and I always enjoyed our RP/appreciated all you brought to the plot. It was good times, when the times were good.
I'm digging BSU at the moment ( http://bsgunificationmush.wikidot.com/ ) if you're ever in the mood for BSG RP. Reasonable activity level, stuff blows up, it's good times.
...I actually have a rather blathery apology I should probably post about that place and how it closed down, but I'm being all awkward and scuffing-my-foot-in-the-dirt about it.
Given the amount of MU shit I've abandoned, lol, I feel this. Sometimes you gotta just peace out for your own sanity/fun. I had my differences while on that game with both you and DK from time to time, but I appreciate the hell out of the work you guys put in and had a lot of fun there, and whenever we chatted OOC I always came away respecting where you were coming from more.
Bwawhaha, Ares. That fucking guy. I feel sort of vindicated that he was apparently even MORE of an asshole on Game of Kings than he was with all the Pegasus nonsense.
Mu dramaz. Good times, good times.