Characters You Enjoyed Playing
To tag on to @saosmash 's mention of our brief foray into F&L and the amazing character relationships there, I deeply enjoyed playing my first nations Nevada ghoul. Wendigo renamed herself into the creature she thought that @Caryatid 's lovely vampire created and slowly cast aside the difficulties of her mortal life for the more insidious dangers of the masquerade. Far older than some of the vampires her humanity lingered only by a thread and the stories she grew up on. It was incredibly interesting to explore her and delve into the history of the area. Also to be a semi-babysitter to neonate babes. Unflappable ghoul.
Vega at X-Factor has also been one of my recent favorites. A mutant hiding her mutation, working as a cop to try to usher change in from the inside. With bubblegum pink hair. She was a dry sense of humor with a mutation that leaned towards practical mechanics in an increasingly cybernetic world and hostile world. She also had a pair of rocket legs. Which was beyond fun.
Oldie but a goodie: Ian at BSG Ouroborous. My Hyperion, surfer nurse who found himself caught in the first war. Most notably had a book thrown at him and carried an ear around for an entire scene because the monkey gave it to him.
There are several favorites that I have had over the years, but a few stand out this morning:
Daiden Kessler: A gimped up Werewolf on HM. It was my first time playing a WoD character and I gave him... pretty 'meh' stats, even for a Rahu (I didn't know better). However, I RP'd him in such a way that I used his flaws as an advantage, or at least I thought I did. I had a huge amount of fun RPing with the many many people who would seek Daiden out for whatever reason. His death was the most badass death, too. I wasn't going up against some badass beastie or anything. He just... Died. And his death was awesome
I enjoyed most of the characters I've played, even if I look back and think I should have done everything differently.
I played Reese at Cuendillar a long time ago. I liked him. He became essentially a nihilist after feeling betrayed by the White Tower when he was a student. Became a mercenary who didn't care about anything or anyone except his own interests. I patterned him after Garak from DS9, and on Tyr, from Andromeda.
I made a character on Serenity... I loved the concept, even if I only played him three times. Don't remember his name - Reno, maybe?. He was a Shepherd who refused to hurt people. But he was a mountain of a man. I recall being on a PrP and pulling apart giant spiders with his bare hands. I would have liked to play him more.
Macklan @ Firan was another one I enjoyed. A womanizing carpenter. I liked making stuff, honestly, and he was such a cocky guy it was a nice departure from the sort of person I usually play. There was potential to make him less of an utter dirtbag, but then the game exploded and that was that.
@zz said in Characters You Enjoyed Playing:
To tag on to @saosmash 's mention of our brief foray into F&L and the amazing character relationships there, I deeply enjoyed playing my first nations Nevada ghoul. Wendigo renamed herself into the creature she thought that @Caryatid 's lovely vampire created and slowly cast aside the difficulties of her mortal life for the more insidious dangers of the masquerade. Far older than some of the vampires her humanity lingered only by a thread and the stories she grew up on. It was incredibly interesting to explore her and delve into the history of the area. Also to be a semi-babysitter to neonate babes. Unflappable ghoul.
I never got to play with Wendigo much as Wes. But there shall be more time, and hopefully more stories.
@golgoth OMG DAIDEN!!!
Wolff. I have mentioned Masq a few times, so I’ll bring out Wolff. No, not a werewolf. Straight up mortal. PD Detective. Not just a mortal but one that had zero understanding and believe in the supernatural. Dude gets up and flees after being shot? “Damn new PCP”. Dude gets blasted close range repeatedly, doesn’t bleed? “Check with the military about missing level IV body armor”. Just would not believe, so of course, as a result I was fortunate enough to be pulled into a lot of RP. Apparently folks liked the fact that I very much made no efforts to be ‘in the know’, and resisted as much as possible. The game at the time made it great to enjoy, I would encounter folks that could simply destroy me at a whim, and they’d purposely not do it (not that I had a clue) just so RP could be RP. I had mistakes, and I had triumphs. Mostly, I had fucking amazing RP with people there. It was mostly because of them that he was so fun to play.
Staff would mess with you (in the good way, mostly). Being dumb and walking through the warzone at night? Time to get shot at! Players also getting their licks in. The amount of times spent waking up in the hospital, and time spent RPing there due to injuries (But not being dead, yet!). Repeatedly having folks examine you for suspicion of being a ghoul, all while having NO CLUE. Always having some reason for not seeing what really happened, and often having a legitimate reason!
Car chases, drinking nights, deep cases, simple cases! Just so much fun to be had as a straight up mortal cop oblivious to what was TRULY wrong with the city.
Hell it took him being embraced (as a present to someone) to make him see, and even then he was laughing “Right. I’m a vampire, uh huh.” Just complete denial, it took several scenes to finally convince him wtf was going on. The change in his mindset, and gradual shift in mannerisms was fun and challenging, but I’ll always miss him being the mortal.
Since The Reach comes up… fuck it.
Tank. Stephen ‘Tank’ Dunlin. Tank was my PC built for fun, a caricature in action made for a few reasons. He was my first Family PC on the game. So I picked one that was busy, examined the theme of the family, and built it specifically for that theme. (Unlike others, I never bought out the nightmares flaw). Said flaw occurred for attending a Fire Science Program in Massachusetts, hold that thought.
For those unaware, Tank was a Firefighter, see not all Dunlins had to be cops or military!
Not just any firefighter, I
stoleborrowed from Backdraft, and essentially remade Stephen ‘Bull’ McCaffery the Fuckin’ Lieutenant for Life. I upticked his alcoholism, and added on more balls and bravado, a lot more bulk of strength and partying. Tank was a Partier. Tank was not a complete Manwhore. Tank was fun. There was a purpose though.Speaking of that nightmares flaw… for those curious, the reason Tank was considered to be mister party times was simple. It was the perfect cover to looking like shit the next morning after dealing with a night of spirits fucking around with you, and the nightmares such can create. Not to mention some issues from his youth
He was a Cryo/Pyro, now the only reason for the pyro powers is to have better cryo powers. Tank was immune to fire itself, however, the night the powers came to be was the nigh his old man died in a fire on the job. Waking up to your own room on fire, and finding out the next morning your old man died to fire is a bit of a mind fuck. Anyways, with cryo powers he could keep people from dying in fires directly, and some other neat abilities. Oh and why Tank as a nickname? Well it was close to Bull, the source material, and he had a habit of breaking through walls like the goddamned Kool-Aid man to save people. (Kool-Aid Man was a later nicknamed applied to a PC in the FD)
Tank became hard for me to play though. When I made him I was very much NOT a firefighter, just related to them. Work stuff happened, I needed to move closer to my folks, I ended up volunteering as a FF, got my national certification. Tank is… not a safe firefighter. Suddenly that mindset became anathema to me. In fact Backdraft as a whole is a documentary on HOW TO NEVER FUCKING FIGHT FIRES!! So unfortunately, all that fun, and I had to stop playing him for a while. When I was able to pick him back up, fun times were still had and I got to meet some more amazing players and their PC's.
@templari Holy cow, I had no idea you were Tank! Oh lordy I loved that character.
He was a LOT of fun.
@miss-demeanor I'm always sneaking about. Hi!
@golgoth Hi! I haven't talked to you in forever! Glad to see you're still about, we kinda lost track not long after Daiden died.
I did a few characters over the years on The Reach, but high op tempo at work more or less pulled me away from MUSHes for quite some time. How are things?
Pretty good! Life has been a thing. XD Moved out of Florida, got a new job, house, all the fun things. You?
Still military. Got a new job in it. Retirement is inching closer. I get to travel all over for super nerdy stuff. Georgia sucks. It has two seasons: Hot and muggy, cold and muggy.
@golgoth No argument there. I went from Florida to Michigan, so I voluntarily moved to a place with actual seasons. Its been weird, but good. XD
Was a MUD instead of a MUSH, but hopefully those still count.
Anyway on Realms of Despair I had run across a lot of other thief characters that were the last surviving member of some town or village, or were just abandoned to the streets and in general were dour, and angsty folks.
So I made a pixie thief, who ran away from home to join the circus. Realized after a year the circus sucks, and went to go live in the city. Lacking any other skills needed to start a business in the city, like carpentry, or mercantile sense... or hell even common sense, she just took to taking things that looked like she could trade them for food and places to sleep.
II had a lot of fun with that character. Super friendly, cheerful and helpful, happily talking with anyone and everyone about anything she could... while disarming traps, or gouging out the eyes of their enemies. I mean you don't survive being only 2 feet tall in the streets without learning something about being terrifyingly vicious.
Always got a kick out of people being unsettled by her gleefully talking about this awesome new place she found that sells candy... while just completely covered head to toe in blood.
It's not that she LIKED killing things, she just didn't see why she should feel bad about killing someone that wanted her dead.
My first mu* was a mud named Redemption. I messed around a bit and didn't make much headway, until I convinced a friend to join me, and we made the dragon siblings Ying and Yang (me). Many good times taking the fight to the bad guys, and as many good times playing the bad guys.
With the passing of Dark Spires, and the imminent closure of Mechanipus, seems like all I have left are memories.
Two old old oooold standouts of mine were my Fomor and my Baali-posing-as-a-Tremere (before the Baali book was ever out and changed oh so much of canon) from Metro back in the early 90s.
I also quite enjoyed and still often miss my junkie Hunter on TR. She was a Lucifuge for years before they realized it and finally tracked her down and she realized that maybe she wasn't crazy all this time after all. But too late. She was a junkie skank down to her bones even though she suddenly had a purpose.
Prince Augustus Grayson, on Arx. Hardass super-traditionalist with every word thought out and examined before being spoken. Quiet, reserved, with the gravitas of a seasoned statesman. Basically every one of my favourite character tropes thrown into one man.
@tinuviel said in Characters You Enjoyed Playing:
Prince Augustus Grayson, on Arx. Hardass super-traditionalist with every word thought out and examined before being spoken. Quiet, reserved, with the gravitas of a seasoned statesman. Basically every one of my favourite character tropes thrown into one man.
You forgot the whiskey.