This an online peeve/disgruntlement/irk, but it's not pertaining to a game, so I'mma post it here.....
As @insomniac7809 said, yeah. Yeah. Our AC is broken, and our back door lock is jammed, and the dog is super sick. And after spending more money than we really have and most of the day measuring, carrying, cutting, and loading the lumber and other supplies I need to make him a specialty dog ramp for our inside stairs by myself, a day I should've spent studying but am now spending tired and sweaty and sore.....
I come home to find that Lain is banned. Again. With "Illegal Aryan" as a username this time.
FFS. Can we just get a "This motherfucker, AGAIN?!" gif added to the library to post every time he pops up with another annoyingly trollish and probably racist thread, so I don't have to look at the dumb shit he has says for more than a few posts? Can that be a thing? Please? I mean, I know we have a report button or whatever, but really, I think this option is a bonus and would make it very slightly less annoying.
I propose: