I have been home all day. What do you mean you couldn't deliver my package as nobody was home? Ugh!
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I have been home all day. What do you mean you couldn't deliver my package as nobody was home? Ugh!
@Lisse24 L O L.
You should become a pop-up then when they're talking.
Them: So on Wednesday we have a meeting with-
You: -HEY let's get some pizza.
Them: Uh. Hang on a second let me finish this. So this Wednesday when we're meeting w-
You: -Would you like to save money on auto insurance???
@Ghost That's hilarious. I can't wait to use that in a conversation.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Lisse24 L O L.
You should become a pop-up then when they're talking.
Them: So on Wednesday we have a meeting with-
You: -HEY let's get some pizza.
Them: Uh. Hang on a second let me finish this. So this Wednesday when we're meeting w-
You: -Would you like to save money on auto insurance???
Absolutely just a 'I need to sulk' peeve.
Band of Skulls is having a free show in half an hour at the record store next to my bus stop and I feel too cruddy (thanks ovaries!) to go.
IT Operations Peeve:
My company is having a cool event where teams of 2-8 come up with out of the box ideas and then during a run of 3 days perform sprints to implement the ideas and do a presentation proof-of-concept. For the those note familiar with the lingo: It's like a science fair, but you create your design in under 48 hours of hard work and then present it to execs.
Anyway, the complaint:
Cool tee shirts. Normally my company's tee shirts are lame as Hell and I wouldnt be caught dead wearing them outside of work. This shirt is cool. All participants get a cool shirt.
So after designing and implementing an automated blue-green deployment system and spending after-hours work researching it, I find out the lazy employee on my team who always sneaks onto projects to 'help' but really just watches people do the work then tells his boss he was on a successful project...is wearing the tee shirt.
Me: "Oh, sweet, which project are you on?"
Him: "Oh, I'm not participating"And now I'm noticing a bunch of people at the office signed up for a shirt, but aren't participating.
Maybe next time we should make separate shirts that say: "PARTICIPANT" on them. A lot of people worked hard on their projects and we earned these shirts. They should have been kept exclusive to participants.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
And now I'm noticing a bunch of people at the office signed up for a shirt, but aren't participating.
hooray for 'everybody wins' mentality.
Thank you, phlebotomist, for being super rough with my arm. I always wanted to look like a heroin addict. I did.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Thank you, phlebotomist, for being super rough with my arm. I always wanted to look like a heroin addict. I did.
@Wretched So hot.
Your arm is so long, homes.
Anyway I'm not THAT bad. My bruise is almost gone, but its in the...elbow-pit?
@Ghost This was a good one, usually they waste 12 minutes finding veins and re stabbing me before getting help, this girl just got it in one go.
@Wretched said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost This was a good one, usually they waste 12 minutes finding veins and re stabbing me before getting help, this girl just got it in one go.
I went to the ER once for severe abdominal pain (this was about a year before they finally realized my gallbladder was trying to kill me). Had to get a CT with contrast.
Lady comes up on my left side.
Me: 'You're gonna want my right arm.'
Her: 'Oh, it's fine. I'm already setup over here.'
Me: 'No, really.'
Her: 'I know what I'm doing.'
Commence her trying inside my elbow, then below that, then below that... until she can't do that arm anymore. She goes to my right side: boom, first try, no problem.
Me: 'I told you.'
She huffed and scurried off and I was left answering questions at work the next three days because my left arm looked like someone had beat the shit out of me. -
Re: phlebotomists.
When they find your vien first try, give em a compliment and watch faces light up. It rarely happens with me but its a fun game of random kindness. Also with delivery drivers that don't have to call me to find my apartment in this maze of a complex.
@Wretched said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Also with delivery drivers that don't have to call me to find my apartment in this maze of a complex.
Of my friends who have visited my apartment complex, only one ever made it without having to call me and be guided in.
But every so often, a delivery driver shows up at my door: 'Those were some of the best instructions I've ever had.' And I usually praise them for actually reading/following them.
@Auspice Enter the parking lot, its the first building, second floor. If you fin d a closed parking lot gate, it's the wrong one, go to the other entrance.
Like 1 out of 7 can manage.
@wretched - I know that weave! It's a modified euro 4 in 1. I nerdy squealed for my unusual hobby :3
It also doesn't help that the complex owners seem to be completely against having people be able to find themselves around. There are several buildings all named after plums, they don't differentiate floors with numbers, so my apt 123876 (not the real one) is on the second floor despite starting with a 1. And then there are fire doors at the ends of the hallway that just read 'fire door keep closed' with no other indications as to the fact that the apartments are on the other side of said door. Or a list of what apt numbers might be on that hallway. Its just a maze.
Fashion for fat male goths... or fat men in general. One of the positive aspects of Prozac has been me giving a shit about how i look again, and I'd like some reasonable boots once more, but i got them fat ankles. There's like nothing out there. Big and tall just shows like football players.
Rant rant, next to no positive heavyset male fashion examples, pages and page and pages and pages of female weight/body positivity, shit for men.
@Wretched said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'd like some reasonable boots once more, but i got them fat ankles.
I still have muscular thighs from my soccer days.
Best I can wear is combat boots.Everything else is for dainty-legs.
I mean, there are boots out there for wider calves but it doesn't fall into the goth/punk spectrum that I lean toward.