Across Time and Space MUX - Dr. Who
Across Time and Space MUX - 5050 --
Across Time and Space is a statless, story-driven MUX set in the universe of the Doctor Who TV series and related media. Players can pretty much play anything - Time Lord, human, alien, cyborg or robot. Things like the supernatural are simply aliens and magic is just science and technology, so ghosts, vampires and werewolves have all made appearances in the series over the years and may on this game. While there are a few restrictions on Time Lord and alien PCs, you'll find that you can make almost anything you like.
With time travel at the heart of things and a whole universe to explore, this game can be pretty much any genre imaginable. Medieval, cyberpunk, gothic horror, space opera, action/adventure, western, and a whole lot more can easily be used in your stories, and when you tire of one, just hop to another. The game can be anything you want it to be.
With a very quick and easy character creation process you can be out and RPing in a matter of minutes, even if you've never seen a single episode. You'll not a find an easier game to jump into with as many possibilities for stories, so why not take a chance? All of time and space awaits you!
Across Time and Space MUX - 5050 --
-- Everything below is the original post, preserved for reference.
Guaging interest in a Whoniverse game. Probably statless, or if I use Adventures in Time and Space, it won't have XP. Timelords live for thousands of years, so if a human goes from a 3 to a 4 in a thing, even in a RL year, Timelords would be all 10s. So no. No XP.
Also I really just want to do a game where telling stories and having fun is more important than XP, power levels, and things like that.
Basic idea is very early Time War - the universe is mostly stable, The Doctor's gone off to avoid the whole coming mess. Either app in as a troupe - a Timelord or two and some companions - or join/build one from existing PCs looking for same.
No PvP, everybody does their own thing and teams up against big plot baddies. Troupes can pass the Timelord to a new player in the troupe if they die/regenerate, or not, as they like. Playing a Timelord means being a storyteller - no dice needed if you can't run dice scenes - as a requirement, so it's not a game full of Timelords and no plots.
Is there even interest in a Whoniverse game?
That's an interesting idea. I don't know if I would play one, but the concept is very solid.
@Botulism Could be a good game, but I'd personally want some sort of system for conflict resolution.
@botulism Have you taken a look at the Cypher system? Not that it would be compatible with what you're looking at doing, but it miiiiiiight.
I'd be using a simplified version of the new Dr. Who RPG. Statted but diceless.
ETA: Looking for a wiki person to handle that side of things!
Okay, so this is going to be one of the rare games that not only accepts but actively WANTS group apps. I'm making the game troupe-based around TARDIS crews (ideally 6ish PCs) - 1-3 (max) Timelords and their companions. Coming in together as crew means you're bringing friends you mesh well with, you probably have similar online times, and you're ready to hit the game running.
Yes, you can app as an individual (independent) Timelord or companion, and try to find a crew or group once you're IC, and we'll ACTIVELY help you find some. Or you can stay independent and run with whoever you feel like.
All Timelord players will be required to run scenes (they can be statless/freeform), so playing one is a responsibility as well as a privilege. A TARDIS crew can share their Timelord - each time he/she Regenerates, a new person takes them over - or be static, played by one player, but whoever is playing them must fulfill scene-running requirements. You may only play one Timelord at a time.
In addition to Timelords, companions are the other character template, and you can play multiple companions as long as they aren't in the same TARDIS crew. Companions can be human, alien, cyborg or robot in nature. It's going to be really wide open.
Everyone gets the same character points to make their character, and there is no XP/advancement, though Bad Traits (Flaws) that get RPed through can be swapped for new ones as needed, and Good Traits (Merits) that get used up can also be replaced as needed. Beyond that, every 2 months you can rearrange up to 1 Attribute point and 2 Skill points, and swap out 1 Major or 2 Minor Traits. This way your character can evolve over time.
Approval will be very quick and easy. As long as your points add up, companions only require a description and a couple sentences of background in broad strokes. Timelords will have few additional requirements, but not many. We'll have pre-made Roster characters, too. If you've never seen Doctor Who, play a modern day human and get dragged through time and space, learning as your PC does. It's easy.
I'll post more as I develop it.
The following is a quick-start character creation guide for beginners making a normal human character, but everyone should read it. Humans with psychic abilities, Aliens, Timelords, Robots and Cyborgs all have Special Traits, which are covered in the sections below this one.Making a normal human character should take you less than five minutes, provided you have an idea for a normal human you'd like to play. Here's everything you need to do once you've created a character bit at the login screen:
First you need a background, and by background all we mean is a very brief bit on who your character is. Seriously, a good sentence is fine for human characters. You can write more later if you want, fleshing things out for yourself or others, but to get approved short and simple is best. We really don't want to read screens of text. See +help background for details on setting longer backgrounds. After the command is covered, we'll give an example using a made-up character named Alice.
+bg 1=<text>
Alice is going to be a college student and gamer who spends far too much time going down rabbit holes on the internet. Her player types +bg 1=Alice is a college student and gamer who spends far too much time going down rabbit holes on the internet. She's 20, lives in the dorms, and has a roommate. Yes. That's really all you need!
+race <race> - Your character's race. Human, Timelord, Robot, and Alien are the choices.
Alice is a regular old human, so she types +race Human
We do not use stats, but to help staff and others (especially people running stories!) get a quick idea of your character we have you set a few traits that describe them. These are one-word or short phrase descriptors, good and bad. You only need one good and bad for each, but feel free to use more! You set them with the commands below.
+phy <physical traits> - Everything physical about your character. Examples might be Strong, Athletic, or Ugly.
Alice is your average geek girl, so her player types: +phy Cute, Clumsy, Nimble-Fingers
+men <mental traits> - Everything mental about your character. Examples might be Observant, Knowledgeable, or Bad Memory.
Alice is good in school, has a great memory, but a short attention span, so her player types: +men Smart, Photographic Memory, Easily Distracted
+soc <social traits> - Everything social about your character. Examples might be Outgoing, Confident, or Arrogant
Alice is awkward and quiet, but really loosens up when she knows a person. She's also a good listener, so her player types: +soc Shy, Excitable, Empathetic
If Alice had, say, psychic abilities, or unusual abilities or powers as an Alien or something, she'd use +spe <special traits>, but we're making a normal human, so she leaves that part blank. Maybe Alice will develop some over the course play!
To check your traits, simply type +traits. You can also see what other players have put by typing +traits <name>.
The only other thing you need is a description. That's it! When you've finished, page any connected/active staffer listed as a Casting Director, or @mail 13 to let her know you'd like to be approved.
You'll notice this never covered things like money, skills, natural talents and the like, other than the brief mention in Alice's background that she's in college, is a gamer, and has read a bunch of random internet sites. That's really all we need. Mention if you're a soldier, a musician, a professor, a nurse, etc., but you don't really need to tell us everything your character knows or can do. Likewise tell us if they're wealthy - Alice was a college student, so she's clearly not! - and if they have anyone close to them like Alice's roommate who might notice if they randomly disappear and reappear from time travelling. Again, we don't need your entire family history or your live-in boyfriend's favorite color, just the broad strokes.
The only thing I don't see here is a way to connect to the game.
@magee101 Not open yet. I'm sharing info while I develop it.
Open for character creation and recruiting Staff to help. The wiki is mostly finished, and everything needed to make a character is there.
Here is the ad:
Across Time and Space MUX - 5050 --
Across Time and Space is a statless, story-driven MUX set in the universe of the Doctor Who TV series and related media. Players can pretty much play anything - Time Lord, human, alien, cyborg or robot. Things like the supernatural are simply aliens and magic is just science and technology, so ghosts, vampires and werewolves have all made appearances in the series over the years and may on this game. While there are a few restrictions on Time Lord and alien PCs, you'll find that you can make almost anything you like.
With time travel at the heart of things and a whole universe to explore, this game can be pretty much any genre imaginable. Medieval, cyberpunk, gothic horror, space opera, action/adventure, western, and a whole lot more can easily be used in your stories, and when you tire of one, just hop to another. The game can be anything you want it to be.
With a very quick and easy character creation process you can be out and RPing in a matter of minutes, even if you've never seen a single episode. You'll not a find an easier game to jump into with as many possibilities for stories, so why not take a chance? All of time and space awaits you!
Across Time and Space MUX - 5050 --
We had our first bit of RP today and it was awesome. We have 1 Time Lord PC so far and a few companions, their Crew is a Euro/daytime Crew so even with early hours and only a few players they're getting RP. That's how I want to grow the game, one TARDIS Crew at a time.
If you haven't yet, come give us a look!
ETA: Here's the log.
I'm playing here now. Not to say the theme is for everyone; I decided to give it a try because I had lots of fun playing with @Botulism before on a different game, and I'm having fun here now.
Honestly I don't think this will ever be a large game, as the theme lends itself better to table-top-style episodic adventures, focused around small troupes of characters (i.e. each Time Lord and their companions). It does put quite a bit of storytelling responsibility on the players of Time Lords, but it's great if you like to ST - or as a player, you have an active ST Time Lord, because the story options are pretty wide open.
If you can find a troupe with similar online times and build a TARDIS crew, this can be pretty fun. It reminds me of the rare times when I managed to find a closely knit Werewolf pack to go on adventures with. I've only just joined and had a handful of scenes, but those are already enough for me to feel an attachment to my character... which frankly doesn't happen very often in my mushing career.
Here's a template for Time Lords (or any storytellers) on the game I whipped up. This is for my Time Lord PC, the Muse. I'm suggesting others on the game use it or modify it to taste, but thought I'd share it.
Rank the following in order of interest/importance from 1 to 5 with 1 being highest priority and 5 lowest:
Action, Character Development, Danger, Humor, PlotAs above, indicating your interest in the following genres:
Alien Worlds, Human History, Modern Day, Space/Future Human, Time War/Time LordsAs above, indicating your interest in the following themes:
Adventure/Exploration, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Social/Political IntrigueAs above, indicating your interest in the following Whoniverse monsters/villains:
Cybermen, Daleks, Other (tell me!), Time Lords (Master, Rani, etc.), Weeping AngelsDo you prefer single-serving stories, multi-parters, or long-term arcs? Rank 1 through 3.
Are you willing to have your character seriously or permanently injured in the course of a story? You are NOT required to say yes, and saying no will not limit your involvement in stories.
Are you willing to have your character die in the course of a story? Again, you are NOT required to say yes, and saying no will not limit your involvement in stories.
Please mention anything not covered above that you can think of that might be important.
We've put up our first pre-gen/roster Time Lord: The Corsair. Can be male or female (and has been both, previously), and pretty wide open on personality. Their traits and background are written, with the traits being from the last (3rd) version of the character, so all you need is a description and to eventually update the traits with your version of the character. You can be ready to start building a crew and RPing in ten minutes or less.
If there's interest in this character, we'll add more sooner rather than later. If you've thought about playing but didn't know what you wanted to play, give the Corsair a look!
We now have 3 PC Time Lords, two of which are seeking crew. One is afternoons and evenings Eastern, the other is evenings Pacific. We also have a full crew that's afternoons Pacific and some evenings for crossover RP. Time Lords are storytellers be default, so joining up means you'll get at least 3 plot scenes a month. We also have more than 2 characters with wiki pages now! XD
We have a condensed grid of modern-day London, including a Trap Street for aliens that live there in hiding. We'll soon be opening Maldovar's, a 52nd century bar and black market as a universal hangout. Stories are already starting up and I'll be kicking off the Season metaplot soon.
Come give us a try! - 5050
Officially opening this weekend! Pre-made characters available (gender-neutral until claimed in most cases), two public locations for free-for-all RP (modern-day London and a future space-port/bar). Two TARDIS crews looking for members. Wiki is done. Everything is a go!
We will actually be advertising on other MU*s this weekend. Up to now I've only posted here, so if you've peeked in and seen a tiny WHOlist, we've essentially been in pre-open/beta while things were being finished. This weekend is a good time to come back.
So it's looking like this will end up being a small TT-ish game. I think it's proving to be abit TOO wide-open for people.
Ah well. Still having fun with friends.
@Botulism Hey
is this still going? I'm all for small, close-knit games but it looks like you and other staffers haven't been on in a while.
@yyrqun Sadly, no. It never really caught on.