I threw this thing out here late at night and .. kaboom! I fully admit that I haven't read every single reply. Because I am a horrible person, probably. Also because I am a broad strokes kind of person and getting into the nitty-gritty details of math I don't understand is beyond me.
My original proposal wasn't meant as an attempt to fix the nWoD system (even though I borrowed nWoD attributes). I'm mostly just trying to imagine an original game that I would like to play and what that would look like.
Attributes. I used nWoD as an example but I would probably come up with my own list. Still broken down in Mental/Physical/Social most likely.
Core Skills. These would be general life skills, broad subjects your learned in high school, etc.
Refinement Skills. Just a shit ton -- I mean a shiiiiiiit ton -- of finer detail skills. Partly because I want to toss out the concept of merits, also because I want folks to be able to design exactly what they want, also so there is a greater variety of the type of character.
+census. So everyone can see where everyone else are putting their blocks.
CG? I dunno. Initially I was thinking that there would be some rules around it but the more I look in on this thread, the more I think -- open CG. Just .. make whatever you want to make. If you want to make a nuclear astrophysicist underwear model genius super soldier who runs an animal shelter then .. go ahead. Perhaps, also, leave the sheets open always, do away with XP altogether. You feel like your character has learned something? Improved a skill? Change your sheet to reflect that.
Maybe in the beginning there would be a flood of OH I CAN DO ANYTHING?! characters but hopefully over time, folks would calm down and just make characters that are interesting to them. Or am I just being too naive and everyone would just max out everything forever and always?
I guess the key would be to -- and I forget who said it (edit: @Lithium! Thanks!), I will scroll back and find it on edit -- create an environment that doesn't incentivize min-maxing. Although I am not sure what that would look like. Physical/Social combat systems that have been broadly simplified? I like danger and risk, I like for RP to mean something -- so I wouldn't want to neutralize things too much. I do like +rolling but I usually do it so enhance my RP, possibly throw a wrench into it. Maybe incentivize failure? Like, it's not about winning, it's about creating interesting stories and sometimes fucking up creates really great and unexpected avenues for RP.
I dunno. I am rambling at this point.