I'd like the ability either have messenger/anon (name)=(pun here) or a specific spot in the city center where you can do it too.
This is answered.
I'd like the ability either have messenger/anon (name)=(pun here) or a specific spot in the city center where you can do it too.
This is answered.
@bananerz I can kindof see this group abusing that kind of capability to harass re: why 'condemn' got taken away
That would be cool.
Why did condemn get taken away? I vaguely remember it happening after Dawn said she arranged for people to pay the tiend even though all the Peerage picked one person per house to sacrifice or something. I could be totally wrong but that feels like the event that triggered some kind of condemn drama.
I think something similar is in the works with Crime when it comes it. But if there was an anonymous messenger function, there would have to be a way for the receiving PC to track it, if they wanted, and it would have to cost a proportional amount to send it.
@jeshin Because no one would dare have hurt feelings over something a character said in a game.
People have zero chill, even when fictional characters are throwing shade at their fictional characters.
Seeing shade slung around in the condemns was a highlight of the week on Arx. Because sometimes they were just hilarious to read.
@testament said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers:
@jeshin Because no one would dare have hurt feelings over something a character said in a game.
People have zero chill, even when fictional characters are throwing shade at their fictional characters.
Seeing shade slung around in the condemns was a highlight of the week on Arx. Because sometimes they were just hilarious to read.
Well, but also some of it got totally out of hand for OOC reasons and people were shitholes to each other for OOC reasons instead of IC ones and we found that to be garbage so we turned them off.
@darinelle This is why we can't have nice things. Because people take shit personally.
When you get spit on for the 80th time just because that 80th person had to get their hit on you, too...it gets to be a little much. Nobody thinks about the fun of the target when they use systems like that, at all. It was used as a way to get an easy cheap shot, and I was really happy to see them go. It wasn't a case of people being thin skinned, it was a scale issue.
@vulgarkitten said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers:
I think something similar is in the works with Crime when it comes it. But if there was an anonymous messenger function, there would have to be a way for the receiving PC to track it, if they wanted, and it would have to cost a proportional amount to send it.
Plus or minus skill. So if I am CrimeBot 2000, Joe Cobbler (mmm, cobblers) shouldn't be able to spend as many points to reveal the name, unless he's a spy for the people who used to own the space station.
Er, sorry, got off on a tangent. (Mmm, Dukat.)
@bananerz said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers:
I'd like the ability either have messenger/anon (name)=(pun here) or a specific spot in the city center where you can do it too.
Staff have this ability. The ability to send messages from a criminal alias was something I coded a while back as part of NV's crime branch, so it'd come in whenever that's finished, probably.
@jeshin said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers:
Why did condemn get taken away? I vaguely remember it happening after Dawn said she arranged for people to pay the tiend even though all the Peerage picked one person per house to sacrifice or something. I could be totally wrong but that feels like the event that triggered some kind of condemn drama.
It happened around that time but that's not an accurate retelling of those particular events with Dawn. (The High Lords voted to pay the Teind in general, there were no decisions made about who would pay the Teind, other than I think Niccolo publicly volunteering himself or whatever. But Dawn had a group ready to go and promptly went once the High Lords voted for the Compact to pay it.)
Anyways yes anonymous messengers would be awful for the same reason condemn turned out to be awful. They'd just be another way to pile onto someone with no risk of IC reprisal.
Not unless you can find out who is sending the message, tracking and such.
For now the way around unknown messengers is paying someone else to send it and hope they stay discrete.
The reason condemn went away is because people are really keen on letting female leaders know when they don't agree, way more than they are male leaders. IE, a male leader voted to pay the teind and got like 10 disses, and Dawn also suggested paying it (but abstained from the actual vote iirc? doesn't really matter) and got like 40+. Per week. For over a month.
So until people can straighten up and act like they have some sense, probably no condemns.
Yeah, women take way more shit (mostly from other women) for anything at all than men do, on the game.
@vulgarkitten It's weird that Esera didn't get the same and she was the first high lord to decide on it, but then she wasn't in charge of the 'crown'. All the commoners had to look at Dawn and get their hate on. I mean, Esera definitely got hate at other times, just not over the teind.
@vulgarkitten said in @Arx: Anonymous Messengers:
Yeah, women take way more shit (mostly from other women) for anything at all than men do, on the game.
My experience as high lady was mostly taking shit from men. Disregarding my presence altogether, constantly questioning my thought process, deferring to male subordinates right in front of me.
@Roz Anyways yes anonymous messengers would be awful for the same reason condemn turned out to be awful. They'd just be another way to pile onto someone with no risk of IC reprisal.
^^ this is what I was getting at
Thanks for the feedback I did always wonder and I knew it was linked partially to the Tiend.
Yeah, I remember the diss command on Firan being a complete shitshow -- basically, as soon as someone with enough OOC popularity decided they didn't like someone, no matter how slight the IC reason, it was dogpile city. It was also often used as an OOC means of attack: I don't like you, the player, so I will keep an eye out for even the smallest IC infraction and then grind you into social nothingness ICly.
It doesn't surprise me at all that the same type of behavior reared its head on condemn.
If you ever consider bringing it back, perhaps instead of having a direct effect -- all these condemns = immediate social loss -- there can just be a threshold that needs to be attained. If someone reaches X amount of condemns, it gets put on staff radar. And then they can make the call whether or not it's worth a prestige adjustment.
Granted, it puts more work on staff so .. probably nah.
Anyway, sidetrack done. As far as anonymous messages go, when I first started playing, there were a few times I wanted such a command -- mostly to send people secret presents and stuff. But I adjusted pretty quickly to not having that functionality and I can't say I miss it. The potential for abuse is high and if you really want to get up to some hijinx, you can just do an action.