@Selira So when it comes to new cats, I'm going to join you on that. Recently, I've been doing some thinking on my current cat, who's getting up there in years and basically is entering the twilight of his life. I'm aware he doesn't have many more years with me, and I'd like him as happy as he can be. But I also work a lot, and we don't get nearly as much together as I'd like. At the same time, I hate the idea of him being alone so much. And while I know that cats are fine being solitary creatures, he's always been the friendly sort who seemed to like having other cats around. So I decided it was time to get another cat.
Hence, enter Prospero(or as a friend calls him, Prospurro). Partly because the name sounds good, and partly because The Tempest is my favorite of Shakespear plays.
So, Prospero's story is one of woe once I heard it. Thusly, he was raised in a good home with an elderly man, Prospero's only desires was to lay in this older gentleman's lap and be pet. Sadly, his owner passed away in November and there was no to care for Prospero. So he went to a shelter where he languished. Until he was rescued by a local city project designed to work with local pet stores and animal shelters to find homes for. Prospero was in a shelter for three months until I came along and decided, after speaking with project members, I learned he had the traits I was looking for. He was older(five years), low energy, not territorial, and got along well with other cats. It was everything I wanted in a cat that could get along with older cat who likely doesn't have the energy these days to keep up with another cat younger, never mind a kitten. And besides, he was cheap. People don't like adopting adult cats, they want a kitten. Me? I had zero issue at all.
So I brought him home, making sure to keep him separate from my other cat. So he's been living in the bathroom for the last day, and initially, he made behind the toilet his home. I was able to put a blanket down to make him more comfortable.
And that was more or less how last night went. I hadn't seen him eat, or drink, or even use the litter box, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was afraid he migh pee all over the bathroom. Thankfully that's not the case. Because when I woke up, he had used it and looked like he had eaten, though a little bit. However, he has become more friendly and more affectionate and has switched from behind the toilet to make top of the washer/dryer I have in the bathroom his new home. Suppose it's now is new perch.
Either way, it's gone on pretty well. The meetings with my other cat have gone well. No hissing or swiping, just a lot of unsure smelling. I have hopes they'll be decent friends, or that's my goal. Prospero has a lot of getting used to before he's comfortable, I think. It's all very new to him still, and I can understand him being stressed about it. Still. he's adorable and I love his fluffy tail.