@vulgarkitten said in MU Things I Love:
Legitimate excitement over an upcoming scene, days in advance. And then being unable to sleep the night before because anticipation!
It was EVERYTHING I was hoping it would be
@vulgarkitten said in MU Things I Love:
Legitimate excitement over an upcoming scene, days in advance. And then being unable to sleep the night before because anticipation!
It was EVERYTHING I was hoping it would be
My kid graduated elementary school today (grade 7) and her artwork won the contest to be on the front of their yearbook. I'm proud and everything, but she's ecstatic beyond all belief and seeing her that happy and proud of herself is the RL thing I love the most.
Legitimate excitement over an upcoming scene, days in advance. And then being unable to sleep the night before because anticipation!
You paged Somebody with 'Sure, sounds good Feel like hitting the dicks?'.
You paged Somebody with 'DOCKS. OMG DOCKS'.
Arx. I just do. There is never nothing to do. NEVER. And the crafting system??? SO FUN! Finding a new place to play and being able to fit in there, be active and useful there? I love it. I will never not love it.
RIP Christina Grimmie.
Maybe not as big a name as some of the others here, but she was a gamer, a great talent, and a genuinely good person. I will miss her. All people deserve to be safe, full stop. No qualifiers necessary. This is a senseless tragedy.
What makes you say either 'hey I want to RP with this person way more' or 'hey I don't want to actively RP with this person anymore'? Can be IC, can be OOC; just curious about the spectrum.
For me, I've found my breaking point is often centered around pressure to TS. This has happened before and happened again recently to me. Char was in a long term relationship with another character and the other player made some OOC comment about not getting enough TS. Despite their apology when I called them out on it, I found myself liking the player less and less for other things I would have normally ignored and I eventually asked to end the relationship IC. I couldn't get passed the 'I'm not getting enough TS' mentality.
Something that will almost always make me want to RP more with people is probably pretty common, and that's level of interaction in a scene. Are you drawing me into something my character can contribute to? Are you asking questions that they can respond to? Are you physically doing something that they can play off of? Are you handing out plot like it's going out of style? That sort of engagement makes me want to play with that person more!
So! What's your turning point?
We have a 'RL Things I Love' and a 'RL Anger' thread to balance it out. We have a "Random Bitching" thread to discuss what we hate about MUing (all 201 pages of it) so let's have a "MU Things I Love" thread to make things even. I'll start!
MU Thing I Love: When someone does their damndest to make your character unplayable/make it unenjoyable for you to play your character, BUT you still play your character and still LOVE playing your character, and others still play with you and love your character, too.
Vindictive happiness, rising.
What makes YOU go 'yay' when MUing?
@Arkandel And the opposite of that 'hey do you mind if we FTB on this sexy times stuff?' SHAME that chick is such a prude. It's just a game. You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't, depending on the person.
@Mercutio Is there a way to take the survey without supplying personal information by logging in through Fb, etc? Using email requires one to be a member of SharpMUSH.
@Tapewyrm I vaguely remember seeing the name! But I barely remember yesterday so things 20-ish years ago are fuzzy. I don't have a ton of time these days to play (new job, much adulting) but I'll try to swing by on the weekend. It's cool that you all are trying to revive it. Tolkien is still a huge love of mine.
@Tapewyrm Yep, I was Helle in Dale, too. I've had versions of this name for long enough to feel super old about it. Is it the same address as always, or have you all started up a new server?
@Tapewyrm I used to, as well. I was in Amon Thranduil mostly, as Aranellome and Hellaia. God, that was a long time ago.
Edited to add, I'm RL friends with player of Orosul still, too, though he doesn't MU anymore. And I still have contact with Gilgurth-player as well, not sure if he MUs anymore.
Depending on the scene/story, one of my core goals is to focus on helping the character evolve (or possibly devolve) by providing them with (hopefully) difficult choices to make.
This is a two-parter, inspired by my curiosity.
First part is, how did you come up with your username? What's the story behind it? I guess, what's your origin story?
Second question, I've noticed a lot of us repeat character names. Do you? How did you choose it? How do you choose character names, in general? What inspires you?
I think most people know my username used to be vulgarkitten (I've heard some people think that's supposed to be a secret - it's not). I got it from an ex boyfriend IRL when I was trying to come up with something funny. He told me I should just pick two things I liked and smash them together. Thus, swearing and cats.
I changed my username to Hella to reflect moving away from that place in my life and back to what felt better to me. Hella is a spin on my minecraft username and what all my SMP friends call me, and have called me for 10+ years. For me, it's just a happier, better fit.
As for MU character names, I think the one I'm most (in)famous for is Catriona. I used it for years and years on Road to Amber, and then again on The Reach after the previous player gave it up. I chose it because I think it's a pretty name, simple as that. Also, I love that it shortens to 'Cat'. I'm a big fan of names that have convenient short forms (see: Monique 'Mo'). I think, though, that Catriona was the only name I ever reused a bunch across multiple MUs. The others have just been names that I thought were pretty and inspired me to build characters around them.
That's my story. What's yours?
@faraday said in Stranger Danger?:
Where I've landed after all these years:
- I stick to friendly co-op games.
- I don't do PVP or TS.
- I enforce firm boundaries on IC relationships. (Though even that has proved exhausting enough that I am now leery of romantic RP with anyone I don't already know and trust OOCly.)
- I'm choosy about the games I play on - usually either my own or ones from people I trust.
I feel bad that you've had such horrible experiences, though, because I have made several life-long friends through MUSHing. Not just "oh they RP well so it's fun to play a game with them" but true friends. Yes, we must be cautious and sensible with any interactions on the internet, but I don't think we need to be so paranoid that we cut ourselves off from meaningful interaction.
All of the above, though one slight alteration. I enforce firm boundaries, period. IC, OOC, all the boundaries, everywhere. And if there's even the slightest hint of a red flag, I just say so and move on. It has led to a world of difference for me, and I can genuinely say the friends I've made, I feel honoured to have made.
@Derp said in I owe a lot of people some apologies.:
You say this and then you end up with Dirty My Little Pony. Careful what you wish for.
No, please.
@faraday said in I owe a lot of people some apologies.:
That's not to say my games are happy unicorn utopias
... okay, but could you make a happy unicorn utopia game, pls? Asking for a friend.
@faraday said in I owe a lot of people some apologies.:
@Tapewyrm It largely depends on where you play. Good people still exist. I've been on games that were pretty chill. This is not to discount Ghost's experiences, which are wholly valid, but I think we run in different game circles and have had very different experiences.
I concur with Faraday. There are definitely still good people/games out there. For the past year-plus, I've been somewhere that has been amazing, with people who are some of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of playing with/knowing. They're out there. And when you find them? It's worth the rest.