For general information to anyone else, we've been meeting up a few times a week lately, and this is the plot we've been doing:

Word comes to a pair of Dunedain of troubles unfolding across the Misty Mountains, in the southern Vales of the Anduin, and they set off to investigate. Arriving in the land of the Beornings, they discover that orcs are abroad, but no ordinary breed of the foul creatures. Something is different about these orcs, so it is said, and the Rangers decide to team up with the folk of the Anduin Village to rid the land of this menace. In this struggle they can count upon the aid of Elves, soldiers of Dale and as always the might of the Beijabar, but will it be enough?
For the orcs, they are none lesser than the Fighting Uruk-hai of Isengard, troops bred and trained by the wizard Saruman, and sent hither to test their prowess against the folk of Grimbeorn. Along the way they find allies of their own among the mountain lairs, and there is the question of two refugees who have shown up in the Village; a pair of women claiming to have survived assault by the orcs. Is there more to these events than is currently known? RP shall reveal all...
Feel free to come check things out: https://dale-lands.weebly.com/biting-the-hand.html