@cobaltasaurus You're coughing up blood. Please take care of you.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
<stares at work email>
No, Ben. No. No one else in the entire department is having issues with the application.
All three incident management emails which I wrote, the login error message, and the bright red notification on the application hub screen that I pushed out were all things I put together today just for you.
By all means, please send out a department-wide blast to 136 people, including my boss's boss's boss's boss to ask what's going on and ask if anyone can help you, instead of reading literally any single one of the five fucking things that popped up on your screen today about this.
Y'know, the ones that the other 135 people in the department managed to read just fine.
@aria I have to admit, the times that someone who was just trying to respond to regular one on one email ends up emailing the entire company, and my company has about 4k or so employees, though probably 5k at this point.
The responses are pretty hilarious.
@cobaltasaurus Good god, I hope you're alright. That's very concerning. I hope you consider erring on the side of caution.
@greenflashlight said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@cobaltasaurus Good god, I hope you're alright. That's very concerning. I hope you consider erring on the side of caution.
Thank you for the concern. I'm as ok as I can be, I'm not gonna be a hero about it but I'm going to avoid the ER as to not drain resources until I actually need help. But I will def go back if my condition worsens.
@cobaltasaurus You're coughing up blood. Please take care of you.
Dear human I have to deal with:
This trip where you see me squinting at mail, or carrying a folder, and demand "What?!" or "Whatcha got?" and leave me forced to be mildly rude or waste my time explaining something to you that isn't interesting or your business is really fucking annoying. It's made even more annoying by the way you ignore me when I actually do want your attention and then get pissed at me when you finally acknowledge that I've been standing there saying, "Name? Name? Hello? Name?" for the past three minutes.
I understand that you have offspring, and that this experience might train you to believe that anybody who is minding his own business is up to no good and anybody who wants your attention but isn't in shrieking agonies can be safely ignored. However, I am forty-fucking-five and you are rude as hell.
Thank you.
Update on me: I'm not in nearly as much pain as I was yesterday. The ache is now a little bit less than it was last Saturday. I have more energy (but not a whole lot), I'm still coughing but it doesn't hurt as much to cough, and still no more blood coming up. So Id say I'm improving.
@testament I have my son return the cart.
If I could just get onto unemployment that would be fantastic. I have bills to pay and I am not healthy enough to return to work, even though I'm go crazy from being off work for nearly 3-weeks now, but I still cough my fucking lungs out quite often.
My husband was bitten by a brown recluse spider right next to his dick.
The first thing my mom says is "I hope it's not an STD".
*ETA: Brown recluse spiders do not carry STDs.
Then, she's checking to make sure I have anti virus (like who doesn't) and is going to force me to download signal because discord and facebook don't have end to end encryption and now she's an expert.
Fucking boooooooooooooomers.
@nyctophiliac said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
My husband was bitten by a brown recluse spider right next to his dick.
I need more information on this bit. Like was he showing the spider it or did the spider look and go. Hey. Immma get you.
@nyctophiliac said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
My husband was bitten by a brown recluse spider right next to his dick.
Look, no means no, a'ight?
(More seriously, sorry to hear this, but, c'mon, you gotta expect some lulz.)
We should collect the camera data from all stores, determine who the repeat shopping cart offenders are, and begin the purge.
@nyctophiliac said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
*ETA: Brown recluse spiders do not carry STDs.
No, they don't. But they will cause necrotizing fasciitis. Years ago, I had a friend that got bit by a brown recluse. The scar that goes up his calf is gnarly. Y'know, from where his skin melted off.
This post is deleted! -
So, this is not the first time he'd been bitten by a brown recluse.
Just over a year, maybe closer to two he was bitten on the ass. yeah, it was bad.
It turns out that one of the places he receives stock from in the USA (a guitar manufacturing company) is over run with them.
He receives the stock and wears protection now, but the problem happens is when the guitars are brought into the storage room, they get comfy and creep out.
...And then up my husband's leg to say how do you do.
He wears tightie whities so I'm not sure how it got that close to his jimmy jangles but there you go. My husband's luck. They're spraying for them now to hopefully murder them before anyone else gets nailed.
Real World Peeve: knowing a bunch of your online friends are going through really fucking tough times right now with their real lives (jobs, mental health, physical health) and there's not a thing you can do except offer a shoulder/ear. It's not enough and I hate that it's not enough and I wish I could do more for these awesome people.
@vulgarkitten said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Real World Peeve: knowing a bunch of your online friends are going through really fucking tough times right now with their real lives (jobs, mental health, physical health) and there's not a thing you can do except offer a shoulder/ear. It's not enough and I hate that it's not enough and I wish I could do more for these awesome people.
Hear you so loud and clear on this.
Dear colleague who is not in the campus because he objects to wearing a muzzle. Do not inform the students whose exams I must cover because you are a douche that they do not need to wear masks. I will stab you in the crotch.