Horror MUX - Discussion
I would still be there if I was planning to play anywhere. None of the reason I'm gone from there is HorrorMU's fault.
Perhaps it is the lack of a routine? Without a structure to the day, one cannot become complacent enough to go on autopilot, allowing their brain to focus on RPing? -
I live.
RL ate me. It does that. Not bringing HM back, but may set something up similar-ish that's more static, but with more player-plot control. If there's interest. Unlimited mortals, 1 minor-power non-human (think the kids in Bonds of Blood),1 major-power non-human (think the gods in Carnival). No XP. Sorry, just not doing it. It ruins everything in the end.
Set in modern Vegas. I seed some plots you can run. You can make your own monsters/plots. I run a few. Enjoy whichever you like.
@Botulism said in Possible Return:
I'm alive. My absence was not planned or personal, and I'm sorry for those I let down.
If I come back, would people WANT HorrorMu to resume? Reboot? Something new? Gauging where interest lies.
I liked the concept. I know they're kind of doing it on The Network now, so it had enough traction to create a spinoff. Ares, though~!
I always wanted to play on HorrorMU but just never found the time. It'd be a slam dunk if it were on Ares. Either in the episodic format or in something with more standard continuity.
I have ZERO experience or understanding re: Ares. Not saying no, just I can't do a steep learning curve right now.
If you had a game where players just played normal people? You could do it pretty much out of the box. It has FS3 installed by default which works well for base human level stuff. I think you could do low-level supernatural stuff too with some hand waving and creative use of the combat system. If you don't like FS3 or intend to do something more powerful than low fantasy/supernatural then it gets a bit more complex.
Yeah, see, I don't really like most stat and combat systems.
You can also just not use FS3 and combat.
@Botulism you can just turn fs3 off with a mouse click. You could install the simple traits tracker with a single command or just use nothing but backgrounds.
What about putting in the system I was using previously?
ETA: I really need to look at how FS3 works, I guess. I just liked making combat about surviving instead of winning. And I loathe XP with the power of a thousand burning suns.
@Botulism I think if you look at the way the Network is doing it, it's VERY similiar to how you had HorrorMu set up. You have your "basic" character sheet and then you design a character for each of the episodes that have traits (which are on the wiki page, rather than on the in-game +sheet).
You could presumably just turn off sheets altogether.
I wanted to play and would definitely play if you brought it back
@Botulism said in Possible Return:
What about putting in the system I was using previously?
Not familiar with the old system. Was it coded? If so, old MU code is not compatible with Ares. You'd have to code it from scratch, which is probably more of a learning curve than you wanted at this stage.
FS3 by itself is a pretty simple set of abilities and a die roller. The combat piece is separate and optional. XP is configurable so you could just effectively turn it off.
The descriptive non-rolled traits system is the most flexible and generic.
@bear_necessities Any idea who the Staff are?
@Botulism I know them from another game and I believe they were both horrormu players but I don't know if they use MSB.
@bear_necessities Mostly trying to figure out who they were so I know if things are green or not. I got along with most players pretty well, though.
@Botulism I don't know who they played on Horror, sorry
But I know the one person I did talk to about it always spoke really highly about you!
I think the only "barrier to entry" would be the between-seasons play. I know there were a few people who brought that up as a sticking point and it's definitely been one of those things where I've considered playing The Network but I dislike the idea of "starting fresh" every new season and having to contrive reasons to know my RL friends or the connections I've already established ICly. I don't have any good ideas on how that could be done better or anything so it's really just a mild complaint.
As someone who plays a concept for 2-3 months and moves on to the next hotness, the episodic nature of HorrorMu was very intriguing to me.
@Botulism I run The Network. I was Technician/Beast on HorrorMU. If you wanted to reboot Horror on Ares, that's something I could help with since I run Network on Ares. I took a lot of inspiration from the stuff I liked about Horror when creating Network.
I'd like to see Horror continue, personally, and would happily come back. I miss Beast and would love to continue playing him. Horror and Network are not the same game. Horror is genre specific. Network is not. They have different metas for between-stories that have some very distinct similarities but also some differences. Even though I was staff on Horror, I was never privvy to what "the real story" was as to what was going on. So I don't know /how/ similar their metas might actually be, but in my mind they are different.
As an aside, I pretty much never log into MSB or read it, but someone pointed this message out to me so I popped on to say hi.
Tempted to go in a WAY different direction given we're LIVING a season of HorrorMu.
I... kinda really wanna do Whoniverse. Fly through time in boxes. Meet crazy aliens. Save the universe. Something more redemptive. Be a Time Lord or companion. Do adventures. New places, new times, new stories, new genres, but with continuity of characters.
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