A Modern +Finger?
I've seen +alts/mail floating around some Penn MUSH places. Very handy, but I don't know if an equivalent exists in other code bases.
@Quibbler said:
On a related note, I always wanted a quick way to see if my alts had any new @mail and/or check on the last time they were connected. I wound up making a custom command to +finger all my alts but it was still spammier than I liked.
Very belatedly my +Alts code has that. But I need to update / fix that code. But I'll work on this +finger first. ...which I seem to have lost the majority of my work. sob
I feel a little bad, having read all of this, for asking what I did for +finger from my friend that's helping me with the coding things. Then that bad is countered by relief that I am not the only person out there that's very, very particular about some aspects of the code.
@Thenomain and I did a bunch of talking and made some progress on the code. Staff will now also be able to set custom fields for 'staff info' (it'll require a little bit of code knowledge, but I'll probably leave some tips in the code).
The conversation had me going "Oh! OH! Which means that THIS and THIS and THIS" a lot. I completely tweaked Cobalt's design goal to include: Drop in code much easier. She pushed back with: Needs to be non-coder friendly. I think we came up with a good compromise.
most places that I've started at have had +oocfinger (for the email/alts/etc options) and +finger/+icfinger for the IC info (profile, quote, rank, etc).
I like Cobalt's better. If I'm using +finger, I want it to display information relevant to me figuring out what the character is about, not just some random foo I could get through other things. Yes, it's sometimes nice to have things like approval status, last connected, etc, in a short little blip, but that's not what I use +finger for.
That should be something else. Like +status.
@Derp No more commands.
MUSHes have a zillion as it is, slightly different in each game. Argh. +finger is fine.
In half-bitter seriousness, the finger on Eldritch has only one player-set table field: Wiki page. I think that about sums it up.
I do like @Cobaltasaurus' approach far more than anything I've coded or seen coded,
There will be progress when I can figure out what exactly udefault() does. So far it doesn't do what I think it should. x.x