Oct 1, 2015, 12:48 PM

@il-volpe said:

I don't think anyone here, ever in all its years and different names, has thought that the jolly vitriol was a particularly effective method for valuable discussion.

So, hey, did anybody tell you what WORA stands for? "When Online Role-playing games Attack". The board's culture is informed by its history as a place where one gets that cathartic whatfoo from bitching about the games, and about the players, and arguing.

It's how it is here, and if it genuinely bothers you, this is not the place for you. That's not bullying, any more than OR's policies about automated combat, which make OR not-the-place-for-me, are bullying.

As far as how other sites view our advertising weekly updates to content, none of them have said a single word in protest about it ...
I'm a bit surprised, but some places tolerate that sort of thing. Personally, I don't care a whit, I am just also very much not surprised that some people here do mind. If I were you I'd go for monthly or maybe fortnightly updates and see what happens.

This is all pretty helpful to me. There's no doubt that MSB's not "the place for me", personally. It's not a judgement on your community, though. But, I do think there's value in a relationship between OR and MSB, even if our discussion philosophies are wildly different. Now that things have calmed down, my main purpose is to make sure communication regarding our two sites improves.

Like I said, I'll inform you folks soon as to what you can expect in terms of changes to our content updates so that they poke your collective bears a little less.