Jun 26, 2015, 5:53 PM

@Jeshin said:

Have tutorial/newbie friendly chargens ever been explored as a means to increase new player retention?

Depends on the game system being used and the level of expertise of the coder. AetherMux rolled their own RPG system and it was simple and straightforward and very easy to create a character. WoD, as said above, exists in micro rulesets across a bajillion books that are, let's not kid ourselves, copyrighted by people also in this hobby and used without permission. If you don't know the ruleset, then it's not really up to the Mush to help you out.

So the question is too vague, because the answer to has it ever been explored? Yes, yes, a million times yet. Recently? Well, let's see what kind of Mushes we have recently. WoD, D&D, and systemless. I don't think there's a lot of opportunity for it.