Dust to Dust (Formerly the nWoD grenade thread)
I'd be interested to bounce ideas, but I can't make heavy dedications due to trying to shore up my own game as well.
I can offer feedback and help as well. I'm always interested in sifting through new ideas.
I can build, code and give general help/feedback, in return for some kids gloves in helping me ease back into WoD?
I'd be more than happy to do so, @Rook. No problem. I am good at kid gloves.
That said, obviously it didn't happen this weekend. Had family things crop up. ETA is next weekend at this point.
I will play on your game, but I will not work on it, because working is hard.
@Gingerlily said:
I will play on your game, but I will not work on it, because working is hard.
This post is deleted! -
@Sunny I will be so heartbroke if you make a rule of no Haunts outta CG for Sin-Eaters on your place.
- 7 days later
dust.impress.im port 1616
Have the site up and is there; am asking people who are going to participate to pop in and put up a post on game with some key information I need for coordinating efforts.
It has begun.
I hopped on last night and only saw a jobs bboard. I'll pop on again tonight (I just used Bobotron as my name again). -
I think I am actually still connected from home. Will check after work.
From on the game -- and if you're going to respond, it needs to also be on the game, since that's where I'm keeping track of it. But! Current status report:
So, this is where we're sitting and what I need, right now:
Grid -- I will be creating a map and digging the skeleton; that is one of my two current projects.
Policies -- #2 on my projects. Currently determining what I want to talk about with a group, and what I want to simply decide on.
Code -- I can probably figure out how to do this if needs be, but I know the group of you are probably better suited. I'd like to get Theno's graciously offered chargen installed, as well as some of the standard existing packages as-is. Once what already exists is in place, then I'll need to look at what the game doesn't have, and we'll need to figure out who can do the things since I probably shouldn't be asking Ixy to do all the things for me all the time (not that I'm going to stop him from volunteering, but I can't expect!).
Subject Matter Experts (SME): We need to determine them. Currently, we have vampire, werewolf, and demon that are published; Changeling will be following soon. I'm going to be acting as SME for M/M+/Immortal, but I need an SME for all of the things. Right NOW, we are going to address all of the game lines; we'll be determining together (feel free to post your input now) which we're going to include and convert if necessary. So, I need SME's for: Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Promethean, Changeling, Sin-Eater, Demon, Changing Breeds, Hunter, Mummy, Beast(?), and then of course I will just do m/+/immortal. Volunteer for multiple if you want; I'll end up assigning them. Anything that does not have a SME by the time we're really rolling probably won't make it into the game. We need to have it now just because we're going to need to work things into the story, whether or not we use them.
The role of an SME is to be consultation for rules, bringing things that need to be HR'd to my attention, and to collaborate with me (and others) for their starting story. It is in no way a 'sphere wizard' sort of deal. This, like all commitments right now, is for development purposes only, and does not imply that you're agreeing to staff when development is done. I'd also like an SME for Code, Building, an...no, that's it.
News files: will be waiting on #2 and #4.
Wiki is covered by a wonderful lady who is wonderful, I'll let her introduce herself though. 6) Suggestions for staffing name themes would be welcome.
Game NAME is going to be Dust to Dust, and we'll be set in Bay City, Washington State. It is a fictional city on par with Seattle; our Seattle is going to be considerably smaller than the real one.
Story. I will need help crafting the main story arc; I work the best when doing so via a discussion. I am FOR SURE kidnapping ES for this, but anyone else can volunteer as well. Keep in mind that participating in the crafting means that you'll be spoiled for a lot of it.
Development of 'This is How the World Is'. Hand in hand with #7. Things like 'What is the god machine' and 'what determines if someone is going to awaken', and so on. I have some ideas, I'd like to bounce them around some. This will, of course, be a spoilers section. HOWEVER, it is unlikely that anything determined in this step will actually come out in play directly, but having things consistent behind the curtains is important.
There's some good starting points. There'll be more as we end up drilling down further! But this is where we are right now.
Those of you that plan on participating, please log in and post both any input/suggestions you might have about the above, and then intro posts on the general board.
Staff wiki brainstorming has started, and the grid is dug. I'll be putting in notes for people to make descriptions out of the next few days. Everything is either in dropbox or on the private wiki currently, but if you're interested in being on the development team, feel free to swing by and introduce yourself!
Group: General Board
Title: Discussion 1In which we discuss the progression of the game:
What all needs to happen before launch
Who wants to do what.
General estimate on how long it will take us to open
Begin plot foundation discussion, as well as mood, theme, and scope.We'll also be discussing some terms that I will be using heavily so that we all are on the same page for understanding, and there will be talk about how I plan on running this game -- what that looks like for me, and what it looks like for you.
When? This weekend (Friday through Sunday), when I'm around and have a brain. I don't expect anyone to be here for all of it or anything, but I want to let people know this will be starting heavily and so now is the time to log in and hang out.
Sunny I have been slack an not logged back in and that made me hide. I can return if you won't be too mean.
Oh wow, don't even feel bad. People can come and go as they will, there's no participation required. Ask @Cobaltasaurus how chill I am about stuff like that.
Tonight, the solid decisions I've made based on group discussion:
Mood: Hopeful (Victorious minor)
Theme: Every Effort Matters
3XP/week max progression, 1 of which is automatic, that automatic XP will be tallied and given to new characters upon their creation, yearly cap TBD, with XP dumps
Scope for Staff Plot: Neighborhood/Multi-faction
Staff will not gain experience for their characters from running plots on the staff level, nor any other virtual-material benefit from any staff duties
Discussed review vs approval system -
I made a post! On the internet!