I just realized I missed @Arkandel's question regarding how the fate points will be used in impossible-IC situations. Basically, it'll be situational. Our storytelling staff will work with the player of the character in question to find a "reasonable" IC explanation within the context of the game's story. Thankfully there are a few metaplot things that could be responsible for severe weirdnesses happening IC. Really, though, I'm looking at the Cinematic Unisystem's way of handling things. There will be a certain amount of handwavium going on, but I don't anticipate this violating the suspension of disbelief for folks, particularly given that character death is rare in the first place.
Dust to Dust (Formerly the nWoD grenade thread)
I just realized I missed @Arkandel's question regarding how the fate points will be used in impossible-IC situations. Basically, it'll be situational. Our storytelling staff will work with the player of the character in question to find a "reasonable" IC explanation within the context of the game's story. Thankfully there are a few metaplot things that could be responsible for severe weirdnesses happening IC. Really, though, I'm looking at the Cinematic Unisystem's way of handling things. There will be a certain amount of handwavium going on, but I don't anticipate this violating the suspension of disbelief for folks, particularly given that character death is rare in the first place.
- 15 days later
Me and another are looking for a place, and are waiting for this one. In addition, I am still offering help, as a Rhost coder if nothing else. I could learn the system to help out in other ways, too.
Logged in and made myself an object, posted to the forum. Let me know if I can help in light ways.
- 2 months later
@Sunny - Haven't seen any updates on this in a while, is this still in the works?
Still in progress, yep. I bit off more than I could chew, and my coder has had some kabooms in the professional meat world. We're not going to make the original goal (obviously) but I don't feel comfortable setting a new goal. Still, it is a project that is not abandoned.
Onyx Path answers for an Onyx Pathgame!
I was a lot more ambitious than I'm capable of accomplishing, and it turns out I don't quite have the support I thought I did. My peoples are lovely and awesome, but I was asking a LOT. So I've got to do a bunch of stuff on my own, or acknowledge that it's too much. I'm much more likely to go the former route.