Wanted: Concepts and PCs for a Good-Guy Cadre
Get your white hat on.
I play Madison at City of Shadows MUX, which is a CoD / WoD 2E game featuring Vampires, Werewolves, and Changelings. It is located here:
Due to the setting, the in-set hostilities or fears between the supernatural races are minimized in favor of a city-wide mutual-assistance agreement known as the Accord. Due to the system, it is entirely possible to have groups consisting of supers, non-supers, and other-supers; for example, a pack could feasibly consist of vampires, werewolves, changelings, mortal+, and mortals. So, yes, this means the game is ripe for troupe-play, and this is what I'm pitching.
I'd like to put together a Cadre (another word for a 'mixed-group' of PCs) focused on making Chicago a better place, particularly the less-fortunate parts of the city. Madison is a new-ish detective / Ithaeur who's born-and-raised in the Second City. She'd be open to just about anyone that aligns with her principles as a Cadre-member.
As y'all probably know, I play super-casual, but I keep active via @mail and OOC communication (but not Discord). I play often during business hours EST, but I do have some weekday evenings available and Sunday evenings are set in stone as RP_OK (because of sportsball).
If interested in joining, please PM here or @mail me on the game.
That was the original goal of the Steelmaws pack. I don't know if they're still doing that or not. Might be worth reaching out.