Looking for old Elendor players
Hello. Not sure if this is the right place for this, but, if anyone used to play on Elendor, then please drop me a line.
I'm thinking this includes @BetterJudgment, @Tinuviel and @Arkandel ?
@Tapewyrm I used to, as well. I was in Amon Thranduil mostly, as Aranellome and Hellaia. God, that was a long time ago.
Edited to add, I'm RL friends with player of Orosul still, too, though he doesn't MU anymore. And I still have contact with Gilgurth-player as well, not sure if he MUs anymore.
@Hella Hey there!
I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize there was a reply here, or respond to it. Thanks for reaching out.
I think I did know you, if only in passing... were you also Helle in the Dale-lands? I remember you being around when Celly was the +ruler.
Basically, some of us are trying to get some stuff going again, and so I was probing to see if anyone out there still remembers the place and wants to check it out.
@Tapewyrm Yep, I was Helle in Dale, too. I've had versions of this name for long enough to feel super old about it. Is it the same address as always, or have you all started up a new server?
@Hella Same address as always. A few of us are on right now.
Dale is my home +culture. Do you recall a character called Gelbard?
@Tapewyrm I vaguely remember seeing the name! But I barely remember yesterday so things 20-ish years ago are fuzzy. I don't have a ton of time these days to play (new job, much adulting) but I'll try to swing by on the weekend. It's cool that you all are trying to revive it. Tolkien is still a huge love of mine.
@Hella I can quite understand the adulting part, but I also figure that most people are in the same boat now, so we can probably get by with just arranging meetups across a group etc. Would love to see you at the weekend, and I'll try to be on -- look for Lorthrain.
Tolkien is still a love for me too, and Elendor also. I took ten years away from the hobby before getting the itch back, a couple of years ago, after finding an enormous cache of old logs.
Heh, nerd that I am, I've even been compiling a lore site based upon them.