RL Anger
I also can't explain what I see to be as flawed designs for bike paths. Even the ones here where cars park on the outside of the path/lane, so that the bike lane is between the curb and said parked cars? Seem rife with problems, particularly that of oblivious passengers opening car doors right into the lane, or stupid double parkers.
I try to have empathy for cyclists, especially for those who actually obey traffic laws and use hand signals and such, but it gets a little more eroded each time I have one call me a bitch or threaten my kid because he didn't move off of the sidewalk fast enough, or when they ignore stop signs while we're crossing an intersection. I shouldn't have to play chicken with some self-absorbed NU kid biking while using their cell phone.
For every fucking moron on a bike, there's a moron in a car, on a motorcycle, in a truck, etc., was my point. Your classification of bikers being problematic is flawed because, as per usual, the problem is people.
I concur that people, as a rule, are problematic. I suppose that irresponsible cyclists confuse me most of all because I feel like they should have a bit more sense of how squishy we all are, since they aren't generally encased in two tons of plastic and steel and fiberglass, and therefore don't get that false sense of security.
Why, then, do I have to contend with motorcycles coming at me?
I've had more electric bikes block the way on the bike lane than anything. Rollerblade skaters. Regular skaters. Joggers. A lady pushing her TWIN STROLLERS.
But yeah, the electric bike thing is what gets me. Dude, come on. Come on. Some even honk when they are crossing like they achieved something by passing a freakin' bicycle on their vehicle.
I concur that people, as a rule, are problematic. I suppose that irresponsible cyclists confuse me most of all because I feel like they should have a bit more sense of how squishy we all are, since they aren't generally encased in two tons of plastic and steel and fiberglass, and therefore don't get that false sense of security.
I hate to be a broken record, but stupidity sort of preempts this sort of logical reasoning.
I concur that people, as a rule, are problematic. I suppose that irresponsible cyclists confuse me most of all because I feel like they should have a bit more sense of how squishy we all are, since they aren't generally encased in two tons of plastic and steel and fiberglass, and therefore don't get that false sense of security.
I hate to be a broken record, but stupidity sort of preempts this sort of logical reasoning.
You know, in Ohio, people operate motorcycles with no helmets. Some even motor along I-75 in shorts and a tank top. Unsurprisingly, lots of motorcycle deaths around here.
You know, in Ohio, people operate motorcycles with no helmets. Some even motor along I-75 in shorts and a tank top. Unsurprisingly, lots of motorcycle deaths around here.
My favorite reasoning: "Most of the time if I have an accident the helmet won't save my life anyway".
... I can't even.
Over here in my state, there seems to be an epidemic of cyclists who fragrantly disregard the rules of the road. I regularly see them riding two to three to four abreast, even on major streets instead of riding single file... because I guess you just have to have that cycling buddy chat. I see more cyclists willingly ignoring Stop signs and engaging in traffic tomfoolery because they think they can get away with it due to their vehicles being small and very maneuverable- while disregarding that if you cross in front of a car who has the right of way and they're going 40MPH, all of that is worth diddly squat when it comes to peeling you off the road.
So, of course, when someone causes an accident because they're not following the rules of the road, the "Share the road!" people start screaming their heads off. But in my time driving in Colorado, I have seen more cyclists flagrantly breaking the rules of the road than I have seen drivers on average... and I live in a university town full of drivers from all kinds of states, and they usually lose their shit when Colorado does what Colorado does and hits them with insane weather during Winter and Spring (a season that should really be called "Surprise!" here).
There's something about the smooth lines of the bike that make people think they can behave like a vehicle and a pedestrian at the same time, while expecting to be treated like a vehicle. It's disconcerting.
And then, there's the "cool dudes" on motorcycles who like to swerve in between lines of cars going 70MPH on the highway because they totally can't die, right?
Do you bike?
I don't ask this as a "gotcha" question. I ask it because often, these sort of things are a perception issue.
You are much, much, much more likely to notice misbehavior on a bicycle if you are directly affected by it (like, say, while you're driving), much the same way that I am much, much, much more likely to notice misbehavior by a driver because I'm super squishy and hyper aware of my fragility when it comes to cars.
This is the main reason I insist that stupidity transcends vehicle type; saying otherwise is ignoring the other factors and points of view. Conversely, you'll never hear me say, "Cyclists are better behaved!" because we're not. Hell, the one joke I made that got all this started was about how cyclists could misbehave.
Do you bike?
I don't ask this as a "gotcha" question. I ask it because often, these sort of things are a perception issue.
You are much, much, much more likely to notice misbehavior on a bicycle if you are directly affected by it (like, say, while you're driving), much the same way that I am much, much, much more likely to notice misbehavior by a driver because I'm super squishy and hyper aware of my fragility when it comes to cars.
This is the main reason I insist that stupidity transcends vehicle type; saying otherwise is ignoring the other factors and points of view. Conversely, you'll never hear me say, "Cyclists are better behaved!" because we're not. Hell, the one joke I made that got all this started was about how cyclists could misbehave.
I do bike quite a bit, actually- or did until two weeks ago. I have (had) a Schwinn Voyageur, but it got stolen two weeks ago from the bike rack in front of a friend's apartment building. I usually adhere to the rules of the road in an almost anal-retentive way because I don't want to be squished
Do you bike?
I don't ask this as a "gotcha" question. I ask it because often, these sort of things are a perception issue.
You are much, much, much more likely to notice misbehavior on a bicycle if you are directly affected by it (like, say, while you're driving), much the same way that I am much, much, much more likely to notice misbehavior by a driver because I'm super squishy and hyper aware of my fragility when it comes to cars.
This is the main reason I insist that stupidity transcends vehicle type; saying otherwise is ignoring the other factors and points of view. Conversely, you'll never hear me say, "Cyclists are better behaved!" because we're not. Hell, the one joke I made that got all this started was about how cyclists could misbehave.
I do bike quite a bit, actually- or did until two weeks ago. I have (had) a Schwinn Voyageur, but it got stolen two weeks ago from the bike rack in front of a friend's apartment building. I usually adhere to the rules of the road in an almost anal-retentive way because I don't want to be squished
Then you probably just live in an area full of jerks.
Sorry about your bike. I've had five in the past five years, give or take, because shit keeps happening. Hopefully this last one is the one that sticks.
Stop trying to "help me", coworker. You are bad at it and you are making my life more difficult.
Go do your own job instead, which you are actually good at, instead of worrying about whether or not you're taking up too much of my time. I am an admin! Taking up my time is how it works!
You know, in Ohio, people operate motorcycles with no helmets. Some even motor along I-75 in shorts and a tank top. Unsurprisingly, lots of motorcycle deaths around here.
Supposedly a doctor in an emergency room quipped, "Those who don't wear helmets we pronounce deceased, and those that do wear helmets we call quadriplegics".
And then, there's the "cool dudes" on motorcycles who like to swerve in between lines of cars going 70MPH on the highway because they totally can't die, right?
You are pretty much guaranteed to encounter this at least 5-10 times while driving down the 215 or 105, regardless of the time of day or night. Even if traffic is light (relatively speaking for LA).
Jackasses swearing at me in the jail again. Look, it's not like I really care, since you're in jail, but how is it that my inability to protect you from the consequences of your failure to appear in court makes me a cunt?
In Oklahoma, it's not rape if you're drunk.
I post on my wall concerning the latest American Family Association nonsense. I make an off-the-cuff mention that I find it ridiculous that people who live by myths and fairy tales want to impose laws on the rest of the world based on those myths in order to make relationships and people they don’t like illegal.
Christian apologist jumps at me and basically says I am attacking and demonizing all Christians.
Puzzled me inquires as to why, considering the context of my post was exclusively focused on the AFA, Focus on the family and similar organizations that want to make religion into law.
The answer? Because I apparently consider religion as nonsense, I am attacking and demonizing Christians everywhere. I will reiterate- here is a grown man who basically considers any dissenting opinion concerning their beliefs… an attack, and bigotry. And called me a bigot for it.
What’s even more precious is when I turned the tables on him and proceeded to point out that, as a Christian, if anyone came up to him and tried to convince him that they believed in Zeus, or Mazdra, Ganesh or fairies, he would regard their beliefs and wrong and, in many cases, nonsense. Because Christian doctrine is monotheistic and therefore regards all other religions as false.
Congratulations, I told him. By your own definition, you’re a bigot. I haven’t heard from him yet.
It’s Monday morning- I shouldn’t be craving a shot of Bailey’s.
@Vorpal Other people's beliefs are irrelevant until they get in the way of my own, and I don't really see how that's possible. No one speaks on my behalf whether they wear clerical robes, hold office, or live next door - Christians aren't a hive mind.
I accept no responsibility of the atrocities that have been committed in the name of my religion - some people just want a cause to put on their banner and march under, so they'll pick whatever is most convenient for their moral peace and recruitment purposes. We've been killing each other for millennia for Zeus, Thor, Christ or Allah; that's on us.
Likewise I have no problem with doubt, debate or wholesale rejection of religious grounds. I wouldn't try to change anyone's mind but I don't worry whether someone might challenge my own; that's what minds are for, and conversely that's what faith is for. Being offended because other people's beliefs don't match my own exactly is kind of silly considering there's billions of those buggers around, I'd need to be butthurt 24/7. I have more important things to worry about.
All I ask is that you don't go around blowing shit up.
Source: Am Christian.
SOMEHOW, I managed to lose a cell phone between exiting my job, walking twenty feet in an open parking lot to get into the car, and then walking twenty or so feet to get to my apartment, and it is MAGICALLY nowhere to be found.
SOMEHOW, I managed to lose a cell phone between exiting my job, walking twenty feet in an open parking lot to get into the car, and then walking twenty or so feet to get to my apartment, and it is MAGICALLY nowhere to be found.
As a person who has done this a time or fifteen...
I hope you didn't have any nude selfies on it.
But that sucks.