@Tyche said:
@ThatOneDude said:
The recent turn in this thread reminded me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GjyBuz2yOk
I don't believe a single word he says either.
Great job being disgusting.
@Tyche said:
@ThatOneDude said:
The recent turn in this thread reminded me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GjyBuz2yOk
I don't believe a single word he says either.
Great job being disgusting.
lulz, articles by Milo Yannoupolous on Breitbart. Excellent source.
@Tyche said:
I don't believe a single word he says either.
And what of Felicia Day?
My opinion of Breitbart has fallen considerably after they refused to protect one of their own.
Might want to find a more reputable, honest source of information. Not that I think you'll succeed, mind.
@Coin said:
lulz, articles by Milo Yannoupolous on Breitbart. Excellent source.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, sigh.
For awhile there I was like, 'Wow, @Tyche isn't nearly as bad here as he was on WORA."
Then again, I though the same thing about Cirno.
And it's still probably true in both cases, which makes me look back in horror.
The paradoxical beauty of shit like GamerGate is you don't need to even interact with the victims; you just need to read the screeds by the assholes who are a part of it. I didn't read a single tweet, Facebook post, or article by any of the people who were harrassed or threatened or even mentioned by GamerGate advocates. I only read shit they posted or screenshots and other examples of things they said or did...
... and I came away with the impression that they are a bunch of horrifying, terrible people.
Go figure.
Which side? The self-proclaimed SJWs or the self-proclaimed GamerGate?
@Tyche said:
@ThatOneDude said:
The recent turn in this thread reminded me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GjyBuz2yOk
I don't believe a single word he says either.
Eh? Don't believe in the harassment of a person? Or which part?
I don't see how one should care about either GamerGate or the opposition or what either side says. I used to not feel (because there's no way to think about this objectively) the same about two years ago, but I'm glad I now have matured to the point where I think arguments about the sanctity of video games (or how they need to be changed) over the internet is just ... well, pathetic.
Don't like what the producers are doing with a game? Don't buy it, make your opinion known and that's it.
You're angry about the mistreatment of [insert grievance du jour here]? Talk about it, make your opinion known, don't buy the company's game if it offends your view, that's it.
And to think that all that shit started because some douchebag has a shit taste in women and can't break up with someone when they don't trust them anymore. Go figure.
@deadculture said:
You're angry about the mistreatment of [insert grievance du jour here]? Talk about it, make your opinion known, don't buy the company's game if it offends your view, that's it.
Isn't that what this is really about? (No, it's not about gaming in journalism. In before the cliché as joke. Ha ha. Moving on.)
The latter.
@Ganymede said:
@Tyche said:
I don't believe a single word he says either.
And what of Felicia Day?
Yes I do believe her. Not a whiff of bullshit from her. It has nothing to do whether I agree with her.
"Because odds are 99% certain that those guys on the street who I avoided would have been awesome to talk to. I realize that letting the actions of a few hateful people influence my behavior is the absolutely worst thing I could do in life. And not an example I want to set, ever."
Felicia and I do agree on this ... I AM NOT THE PROBLEM
Does anyone see the difference?
My opinion of Breitbart has fallen considerably after they refused to protect one of their own.
I'm on the fence over that one.
Might want to find a more reputable, honest source of information. Not that I think you'll succeed, mind.
Generally I use multiple sources of information. You might disagree with the point of view or context, but frankly the article is pretty much self-sourced from the person it is about.
My opinion is that your opinion makes you a disgusting asshole.
@Tyche said:
"Because odds are 99% certain that those guys on the street who I avoided would have been awesome to talk to. I realize that letting the actions of a few hateful people influence my behavior is the absolutely worst thing I could do in life. And not an example I want to set, ever."
Felicia and I do agree on this ... I AM NOT THE PROBLEM
Does anyone see the difference?
Me, a hundred years ago.
I don't know what else you're saying, because a lot of this thread has become communications spaghetti and disconnected responses, but this is Felicia Day saying, "I was judging before knowing." On the one hand, it's hard to overcome abuse. On the other hand, she overcame abuse. A++. Will swoon over her again.
Do not let anyone think that I am saying anything but: Trust is a two-way street. To be trusted you must be trustworthy. To trust, you must give people a chance. If either side doesn't do their part, then it's not going to happen.
I am guessing, from @Sunny's response, that he doesn't think that @Tyche believes in one side of this or the other.
On the other hand, emotional issues are emotional. 'Nuf said.
Well, thankfully this is the 'RL Anger' thread, so nobody is actually having a discussion, just voicing their opinions and sometimes slinging an occasional insult or two. I haven't checked back on the thread to see if @Sunny's as directed to Tyche are well deserved or not.
On the other hand, here's something that made me both angry and disgusted today: apparently there are parents who are giving their autistic kids mystery bleach enemas to heal them from 'parasites' that are causing autism. What it's doing is systematically destroying their intestinal lining, but you know.
Can someone arrest someone who does that and posts that on facebook already?
@deadculture Hey, better to cripple your kids, kill or maim others from perfectly fucking preventable diseases than risk AUTISM!11!!
@silentsophia I said before, and I will continue to say: even if (and I'm allowing for a Jupiter-sized if) there was a chance that vaccines were linked to autism (there isn't. Not ever), I cannot wrap my head around the concept that I would put my child at risk of catching diseases like polio, measles, diptheria, etc., etc., AND EVEN MORE ETC.
I know kids with autism. Some of them are challenging. So what? Know what else is hard? - burying your gorram kid at 18 months old because he caught whooping cough and died.
I don't tend to yell at strangers. I yelled at a stranger over this. I worry that somehow I came off as the crazy person....
Most people are stupid, this forum included. The mainstream is filled with poison for intellect, with emotional knee-jerk responses based on a hypersensitive, liberal, postmodernist agenda. It's disgusting and frustrating, but that's the nature of humanity. The majority will be convinced they're right, and steamroll over any opposition. The herd is safe.
Most people just soak in whatever is served by the mainstream culture, all the while thinking they're a proud independent thinker on the side of good. You'd be surprised at the things that are plain wrong, but you assume it's good info.
There's a much more complex picture underneath all the whining, but everybody's too busy with their knee-jerks to think about it. The catastrophe is that while the mainstream is singing liberal lullabyes, the USA and Western Europe are headed towards being fascist surveillance-heavy dystopias.
But no, it's super important that nobody says anything that could hurt someone's feelings. There's this hyperfocus on insignificant minutiae when there's so many more important things going on.
With regards to GamerGate, I think they're all idiots. I only recently looked into it, but have you guys checked out the output of these attacked women? What they've accomplished with their lives? Why they call themselves "game developers?" Dude, I felt second-hand embarrassment for being a woman. Holy shit, so much entitlement over so little worth. I won't stand for online abuse, and I'm especially leery of internet mobs on either side. But wow.
Did you guys know that if you've ever made a MUSH you could call yourselves "game developers"? Because if you've done that, you've accomplished considerably, vastly more than the women in GamerGate.
Super embarrassing stuff, if you ask me.
So why are we wasting our time on this? There's a kicked puppy we all need to soothe, allegedly. What if it's not a puppy at all. What if it's gangrene? Because that's what it looks like, from my perspective. Everything is gangrene. Everything is insane.
I thought depressionquest was good as a look into what someone with depression could go through, for people without depression. It seemed more like a useful experience than a game.
@dontpanda The best part is when they take the kid to a hospital and expose everyone else. Or treat the disease with honey, or some other BS and the kid ends up suffering and killed or disabled/maimed. It's just all offensive on so, so many levels.
@silentsophia said:
I thought depressionquest was good as a look into what someone with depression could go through, for people without depression. It seemed more like a useful experience than a game.
It seemed preachy and pointless to me. It didn't give me new insight into depression, it was condescending and patronizing, especially to anyone who's suffered from it. The medium is interesting, but the writing would have to be much better, the underlying concept better developed, for it to work. Also, I've made games like this as a kid in QBASIC, but I wouldn't think that merits being called a game developer. It's a glorified "choose your own adventure" story.
What it all reminds me of, is socrealist art and literature in communism. Art had to serve a purpose, and that purpose was extolling the values that the ruling regime approved of. In modern democracy, it seems that people have decided to do this of their own free will.
@wanderer said:
With regards to GamerGate, I think they're all idiots. I only recently looked into it, but have you guys checked out the output of these attacked women? What they've accomplished with their lives? Why they call themselves "game developers?" Dude, I felt second-hand embarrassment for being a woman. Holy shit, so much entitlement over so little worth. I won't stand for online abuse, and I'm especially leery of internet mobs on either side. But wow.
Regardless of the social or economic value of the things these people produce, none of them are to my knowledge being actively harmful. Zoe Quinn calling herself a game developer doesn't really affect the rest of us. The sensible thing to do for most people is to simply not care about what those people are up to and condemn harassment.
What I find sad is that these days whenever any issue is pointed out in the game industry it's immediately made personal with tons of abuse directed against individuals that may or may not have anything at all to do with what people are complaining about, see how Alison Rapp got attacked due to localization choices in Fire Emblem, choices she had zero influence over or the complaints about Dragonspear became all about Amber Scott.
It should be possible to point out that adding the line 'It's all about ethics in heroic adventuring' as one of the character selection jokes is a bad idea without being affiliated with harassment.