Apr 28, 2016, 5:01 PM

@hedgehog said in RL Anger:


I also can't explain what I see to be as flawed designs for bike paths. Even the ones here where cars park on the outside of the path/lane, so that the bike lane is between the curb and said parked cars? Seem rife with problems, particularly that of oblivious passengers opening car doors right into the lane, or stupid double parkers.

I try to have empathy for cyclists, especially for those who actually obey traffic laws and use hand signals and such, but it gets a little more eroded each time I have one call me a bitch or threaten my kid because he didn't move off of the sidewalk fast enough, or when they ignore stop signs while we're crossing an intersection. I shouldn't have to play chicken with some self-absorbed NU kid biking while using their cell phone.

For every fucking moron on a bike, there's a moron in a car, on a motorcycle, in a truck, etc., was my point. Your classification of bikers being problematic is flawed because, as per usual, the problem is people.