The Shift Life (Changing Breeds + GMC)
Will there be a Powell's? It's not Portland without a Powell's.
@Catsmeow I'm going go with the grid/space I have, alas. Rather than Portland.
General Update: I'm working on getting feral stats into the system. I've got the favors / aspects in from Changing Breeds. I just need to setup the feral template for +sheet (this isn't hard). Then I need to poke at +Shift code and put in people's different form bonuses.
Some fluff / theme stuff needs to go in. And I need to have non-Shift Life news files removed.
Honestly, other than the types, I would avoid the hell out of the WatP method. It was crude and thrown together mainly to flesh out stories. They retooled the mechanics and the species in the CB book, while horribly unbalanced as written are STILL better than the ones in WatP. Honestly, you're given 'Shapeshifting' as one of your Aspects in there.
I think every breed should have more or less the same amount/types of bonuses, and call the limitations a type of metaphysical edge they can't cross. Take a cue from Werewolves: +3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +2 Stamina adds up to a total of +6 in their War Form. So maybe a Werebear has +4 Strength, +2 Stamina, or +3/+3, whatever. Give them more and make it higher-powered if it's a concern, but in general, it's just good to keep it all more or less balanced in that respect.
We aren't using WatP for stories. We are using it to make different types of animals have different bonuses (but all with the same amount of bonuses, rather than some breeds being wildly better than others).
So, Cobalt, What is your opinion on the Beast the Primordial book that is in the works right now?
I ask because now the book has been put into editing I believe? Or its just shy of it.. and while that is more than 6 months out.. I'm curious if you will be adapting any of those sorts of things to your game if they do come out?
According to their website Beast: The Primordial is in Redline aka stage 2 of 9. And as I cannot find any sneak peeks of the systems / rules on their blog, I have no opinion. I'm not going to say "yes" we're going to switch to it, nor am I going to say "no" we're not.
Not until I have more info on it.
Double post! I'm awful!
I need someone to bounce plot ideas off of for the game. I have a base idea of what is going on, but I need to flesh out some details and I don't want to spoiler the people I know want to play on the game.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
I need someone to bounce plot ideas off of for the game. I have a base idea of what is going on, but I need to flesh out some details and I don't want to spoiler the people I know want to play on the game.
I will probably create a character and never play it (as per my usual MO), and you've got my Skype & email if you need an ear.
Actually, Coin that's what we're doing with breed stats (to the point you were spot on with one of the bears getting Str +4 and Sta +2). Throwback gets 2 attributes, Size +1, and Perception +1, War Form gets 6 attributes, Size +2, Armor 2/0, and Perception +2. Beast gets 3 attributes, Size is either + or - depending on animal type (eg, wolves would get -1), and Perception +2. Dire Beast, is currently a mixed bag, though, and may be different from breed to breed.
@Cobaltasaurus I'll play, and can try to help if I can. Just let me know
I've got enough details of the metaplot worked out now, and some more people giving me some sounding board thoughts for it. So things are progressing along well enough. There's some codey things that need to be done, and the breed bonuses will be worked out.
We'll let folks know when we're done.
@Huzuruth said:
Actually, Coin that's what we're doing with breed stats (to the point you were spot on with one of the bears getting Str +4 and Sta +2). Throwback gets 2 attributes, Size +1, and Perception +1, War Form gets 6 attributes, Size +2, Armor 2/0, and Perception +2. Beast gets 3 attributes, Size is either + or - depending on animal type (eg, wolves would get -1), and Perception +2. Dire Beast, is currently a mixed bag, though, and may be different from breed to breed.
For Breeds that might not need that many bonuses in one form, but might need more in another form, you can swap. Like maybe instead of +6 in Warform, the werecrow only gets +4 Dexterity, and they get extra stuff in their Dire Bird form, or whatever. You should also decide 'no more than X bonuses', i.e. no breed gets more than +4, for example, to any one Attribute. Stuff like that.
It helps to bear in mind that different aspects/favors are worth more XP than others, which is not exclusively an indicator but is somewhat an indicator of the amount of benefit it brings, so rather than limit by number of things, it might be more balanced to limit it by point value. That point value can also tie into the stats aspect, with even some sort of bonus or penalty if something is useful but highly situation, or undervalued, etc
@Coin said:
@Huzuruth said:
Actually, Coin that's what we're doing with breed stats (to the point you were spot on with one of the bears getting Str +4 and Sta +2). Throwback gets 2 attributes, Size +1, and Perception +1, War Form gets 6 attributes, Size +2, Armor 2/0, and Perception +2. Beast gets 3 attributes, Size is either + or - depending on animal type (eg, wolves would get -1), and Perception +2. Dire Beast, is currently a mixed bag, though, and may be different from breed to breed.
For Breeds that might not need that many bonuses in one form, but might need more in another form, you can swap. Like maybe instead of +6 in Warform, the werecrow only gets +4 Dexterity, and they get extra stuff in their Dire Bird form, or whatever. You should also decide 'no more than X bonuses', i.e. no breed gets more than +4, for example, to any one Attribute. Stuff like that.
I can't be certain as Huzuruth is doing the crunchy bits, but I thibk that is basically it. I believe no breed gets more than +4, and all bonuses together are topped at +6. Don't think any are swapped between forms tho.
Australia! Set it in Canberra. All the Biomes in a few minutes of each other. Exotic shifters.
(I'm mostly kidding, but kind of not)
Will there be Otters? I'm pretty sure there will be foxes. If there are foxes, of course, I will be there.
@Corruption I think they made it onto the list, but I don't remember. But even if we don't start with otters, you can ask to have them added. We'll be allowing more breeds to be made as people ask for them. Also, yes, there will be foxes.
Do you have any specific themes in mind for your game yet? One thing I liked about DW 2.0 was that it had stuff nailed down fairly well, as opposed to DW 1.0 that turned into a kind of weird marshmallowy substance.
The very basic opening metaplot:
Something is corrupting the earth around Port Angeles. It started with poisoned fish from a nearby lake, and out on the spit. Now it's gotten worse. Shifters are in a race against the mortals of the area to figure out what is going on, and to stop it before it gets so big it can't be hidden.