Uploading images via Chrome
I was told to toss this out to @Glitch, but I have noticed an issue while trying to upload images into a thread. I get a red message box in the top right corner that reads: Error: Forbidden.
I've been told this isn't an issue with people who use Firefox, so it might be a Chrome-specific issue, not really sure.
Just thought to point that out.
Okay, so I actually just tried this in firefox too and it wasn't working there either. Originally, uploading files was not allowed, but you should still be able to link them, which is what the person who was using firefox may have been having no problem with?

Testing... there we go.
All right, you should be able to use the upload button now.

This was done on Firefox, using the Upload button. I haven't been having any issues with it.
I was the other person, btw.
@Miss-Demeanor bmp isn't one of the allowable types.
Yeah, sorry, just grabbed the first pic my mouse wandered over. XD
@Glitch I just tried it in Chrome, still getting that Forbidden message.
Maybe I'll just have to start using Firefox exclusively for MUSB.
The forbidden message is because of the file type, not your browser. What file are you trying to upload?
It was a jpeg, I believe.
@Monogram I just added that type to the list, but without the actual image, I can't check anything out.
Hrm, still not uploading, just the Forbidden thing.
Could it be more of a skin dependent problem? Or would skins have nothing to do with it. Or maybe I should just try with Firefox. Odd.
Works fine for me in Chrome, apparently.