Game Idea
Moar Updates!
@thenomain has been epic and started installing cgen and a few key bits of code (dice, health, etc).
I have a wikidude that's helped a ton.
Been looking at The Pack - it has some really interesting ideas in it, and a few new merits.
Been posting some plot ideas to the super seekrit staff plot bboard, and started on wolf theme. Poor wolves will be so very busy.
We got Feeding hashed out for the bitey folks.
I think essence will balance itself out since I do believe that loci will be in real short supply until people start to clean up the shadow and get the corrupted access points fixed up some.
Moar Updates!
@thenomain has been epic and started installing cgen and a few key bits of code (dice, health, etc).
I have a wikidude that's helped a ton.
Been looking at The Pack - it has some really interesting ideas in it, and a few new merits.
Been posting some plot ideas to the super seekrit staff plot bboard, and started on wolf theme. Poor wolves will be so very busy.
We got Feeding hashed out for the bitey folks.
I think essence will balance itself out since I do believe that loci will be in real short supply until people start to clean up the shadow and get the corrupted access points fixed up some.
The Pack was a bit of a disappointment in that there are no new Gifts. I was at least hoping for a couple of new Wolf Gifts, so that the Tribes book and Auspice book could concentrate on Shadow and Auspice Gifts, respectively.
However, the Pack Tactics and Totem sections were pretty great.
Yeah. I really enjoyed (and plan on using) some of the totem section for plot ideas.
I also really liked the different examples of interactions and cross-sphere play opportunities.
Moar Update!
Added some mortal theme, vampire theme, and general theme writings to the wiki.
Creepy made the city part of the wiki pretty.
Thenomain has the cgen code most of the way in, I believe, for mortal/vamp/wolf sheets.
Added some more grid rooms and opted to unlock Chelsea, for a total of 5 open neighborhoods at start, with the shells for 42 more pre-dug.
Added 2 NPCs (not on the wiki, yet, and soon the be +sheeted).
Added a bunch of plot ideas, staff-sude, many of which are tied to investigating grid squares.
ETA: If anyone wants to help with the fleshing out, that'd be amazing. Just pop on at port 6667 and let me (Pestilence) know by chatting or @mail.
Wolf theme is up on the wiki!
And I've begun building a spreadsheet to help track who owns what for the grid vs grid Survival System.
So! I am looking for a handful of numbers minded folks to help me playtest the grid vs grid system.
We're just a few things away from being able to do a soft 'Please don't break the game' open, and I want to work out some kinks in the Survival System before then.
Things Left To Do:
Data entry for help/news/shelp/snews with all the commands for the code that's been in.
Check for broken code.
I have someone working on a Defining Moments code - it'll be akin to an xp log and aspirations. Staff settable with a timestamp. I'm a bit waffly on staff setting it, but I think that would keep people from altering their history. And, more importantly, keeps staff in touch with what is going on and what people are interested in and helps to make plots more personal to pcs.
Add in a few more codey things. +ic/+ooc, a notes system, get things locked (I need a bit more sleep and less caffeine before tackling code!), and I'm definitely open to suggestions on what might be code to look at adding in later. (A more complex feeding code, and loci are on the list.)