I'm waiting for WoD: Australia. Where you fear Drop Bears more than Vampires.

Best posts made by Taika
RE: Shadows of Paradise: help wanted!
City of Shadows
After a good sized slump and bit of burn out, I'm looking to get the ball rolling on this again. Unless I can find staff, it'll be slated to open as m/m+/vampire. I have code in for werewolf and mage, with the intention of adding changeling as the code comes to completion.
Things needed to finish this thing off:
- Grid descs
- Minor codey stuff (mini maps, tweaks, some data entry for +equip and bloodlines/lodges, etc) I'd love to add a Supernatural type of currency to buy favors and boons with. It will need a fancy name.
- Wiki work. The wiki is up (cityofshadowsmux.com), and there's templates and prettiness, but I am not a wiki person. I'm more liable to fuck it up than make it work if I touch it.
- Theme work. Some theme stuff, little bit of world building.
Overall, I'd say she's probably about 70% done, since most of the workload is in the code, and that's more or less done, barring a few tweaks to customize the game and getting all the equipment updated to current books.
The game is set in Chicago.
Staff Needed!
Looking for a few folks to get in on the ground with the new project. nWoD 2e. So far there's m/m+/wolf/vamp code in, if I can find reliable staffers for other spheres, I can try to obtain the code (looking at you, @Thenomain)
City of Shadows will be set in Chicago, and pull from darker modern themes. Think robocop/constantine/Luke Cage/the punisher (netflix series). Taking @Ganymede's suggestion and running with a darker/grittier theme.
I plan on running it +job-lite, meaning the tedious jobs that tend to sit, won't really be an issue. Most xp spends are automated (and the others are just a bit of code tweakery and need a note), leaving more energy for running plots and telling stories. I don't really separate the spheres, not in the classic sense of it. I want templates to be secondary to story. Yes, this means I plan on learning any other splats that get brought in - enough to ST for them, anyway.
I'm aiming for a place that's low/slow xp gain, with a bunch of ways to supplement that - you gain xp as fast as you contribute to the game. Want to be a high end heavy hitter? Be active, his the random scene lists, run plots, be in plots, etc. Low, low red tape. A malleable world that players can have large effect in.
There's not much on the wiki (cityofshadowsmux.com) or on the game, yet (cityofshadowsmux.com 2860 or for direct connect), I'm working on finding a smaller map (77 neighborhoods is a lot!) or getting some extra hands to help with desc'ing once I get it all built out. I may consider (depending on the plot arc) starting in a small portion of the grid and opening it via unlocks and exploration as I did with the first run of Descent.
Anyway! Hop on, say hi, I'm Chupathingy (subject to change). Basically if people want mage, want X, want Y, come and help built it with me.
The Descent MUX
Here's how it all went down:
It's a funny thing, peace. Hiroshima proved the power of nuclear weapons, and began a race to acquire frightening numbers of nuclear bombs. All justified with a need to protect themselves. The same thing happened with guns, ships, and aircraft
In other words: War Never Changes.
Weapons on Terra Firma are still a threat, but with more focus on finding a new planet to inhabit, some weapons have migrated to orbit around the Earth. Hundreds of innocuous seeming rods made of tungsten drift in orbit, asleep and unheard of by most of the population. Unlikely to ever be used, they are there to maintain the status quo, so everyone can feel safe that no one would be so foolish as to use a weapon that everyone has.
The problem with safety is that it is often an illusion.
And the problem with massive arsenals and maintaining them is human error.
No one can say for certain what caused it. Was it someone sneezing and hitting the wrong button on accident? Was it something more sinister that had been infiltrated into the code?
Speculation and rumor. That's all there is right now, because the end result is the same, regardless of the cause.
On March 13th, the orbiting satellites of Project: Thor awoke. Tiny LED lights sparked to life while the GPS system ran calculations and realigned the rods with the planet's surface.
Ten minutes later, each of the telephone pole sized tungsten rods slammed into the surface of the planet, each with a force equivalent to 7.2 tons of dynamite.
The world went black, and when it woke up, everything was changed.
Once fertile lands had become craters. Known waterways dried up and new areas were flooded as water sought the path of least resistance. Cenotes opened up and the faces of mountains were so changed by the impacts that some became unrecognizable.The worst of the damages were caused by man made structures. The Hoover Dam didn't survive the onslaught, and the flooding that came with its collapse killed thousands. Nuclear waste storage facilities and nuclear power plants have created wastelands, dead zones of radioactivity that put Chernobyl to shame.
Food, water, shelter. The needs of the people have not changed, but the world has.
And now the future of the human race is uncertain.
Welcome to the Descent Mux.
What we offer:
Mortal/M+, Vampire, and Werewolf using the nWod2.0 system.
Easy, as painless as possible cgen to help get people on the grid faster.
A system for people to pitch plot ideas, as well as claim and run 'on the spot' plots with elements that normally might require pre-approval - bridging the gap between wanting to ST right now, and the wait to have a prp idea reviewed.
A dynamic grid. The game will open with 4 neighborhoods of Manhattan available. From there, people can plot to open new grid spaces - up to and including leaving the island to go exploring the world at large. This is not just an option, but encouraged.
A setting that makes even coffee shop rp into a plottable topic! Want coffee with your friends? Sure! Go to the old warehouse, wade through a few draugr or revenants, and -get that coffee-. Then sip it while healing and snubbing others that have no caffeine. Or use it to barter for important things. Like bullets!
A cross-sphere Boon system to keep track of favors.
A certain scarcity of resources that makes conserving them important.. Blood for vamps, Essence for wolves, bullets, food, and water for mortals. Just -surviving- will be an important theme.
A grid vs grid style territory system designed to be simple-but-complex. Similar to Go, it's easy to wrap one's head around, but the ways it can be used are many and subtle. (Example: Jimmy poisoned the well (used an action to reduce a grid space's Water attribute) and people are dropping like flies! (consequence: reduced Population for the square, weakening it to attack.)
Fostering a community of cooperative storytelling, with a lot of open communication about end goals and things people want to seee happen with a scene. PvP happens! And dramaless PK scenes will get xp goodies. Less drama; more communication and cooperation!
To create a dynamic, living world of chaos that puts most of the control and direction in the hands of the players, wihin the given theme and setting.
Want to run a merchant caravan? Please do! Want to take over a small, neighboring island and make raids on the mainland? HELL YES! Want to play politics? Totallly doable, because with the grid system, friends will be really important to helping to maintain territory. And vamps need territory and people.
What we need to get there:
Code help (Install Theno's amazing code. I know someone that can help troubleshoot, but they've never done a full install before.)
Wiki help (I am no good with wiki. I can put up a picture and information, but fancy formatting or making log and pc templates is beyond me)
A wolf staffer would be great, to get early opinions and direction for wolf-specific theme.
Opinions! More people to bounce ideas off of!
The barebones wiki lives here: http://descentmux.com/index.php/Main_Page
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@Bellecourt >.> I didn't reply there cause I replied here. Just by happenstance, I saw the post here first. <.<
RE: MU Things I Love
Been meaning to post this one for a few days.
... when you're ST'ing for people you don't really know and the scene goes off the rails in unexpected and (by most MU* standards) crazy, somewhat campy ways and everyone is laughing and rolling with it and it's just -fun-. It really reminded me of a TT session in that way.
RE: Why did you pick your username?
I had a Halfling Rogue on a DnD MU* named Taika Ovtings (Taker of Things).
Core Memories Instead of BG?
So, I'm rewatching Inside Out, and I had an idea.
I know that nWoD2.0 has Aspirations, and Conditions, and Breaking Points.
But what if, instead of a bg, or just Breaking Points, there was a little section for 'Core Memories'? Little snippets of events that helped shape who that character is?
For example: Sally was bullied a lot, and one of her most remarkable memories, small as it is, was when Johnny stood up for her and saved the day, giving her a much needed break from the bullying but also a self-esteem and self-worth boost that helped her get through the bullying.
RE: City of Shadows
There's just some arguments not worth having, and some things that, in the process of trying to fix them, get more broken.
For example:
I don't care about dinosaurs. We're low and slow xp, if someone is a dino? They busted their ass and helped build the game with their stories.
I don't care about trying to force an unnatural balance between spheres - I've seen it on a bunch of games and in debates here. People are never happy with the results, and often a handful of hr's throw things so out of wack tjat you need 10 more to try and fix it.
I hate hr's. It's hard enough for ST's to run stuff as it is, without adding 'Dig through an often disorganized wiki for obscure, badly written rulings' to the pile.
I find these things to be massive energy sinks with an itty bitty return that just isn't worth the amount of stress and burnout they can cause from arguing in circles.
@Ganymede is pretty familiar with my approach, by now, I feel. (Remember the dual praxes and the Diptheria plot, Gany? Man that was some backstabby fun.)
Make it easy for people to tell their stories. Hold people accountable and communicate about things. Be flexible as staff - if people wanna destroy chunks of grid? Let them. But you bet there will be consequences. @digging is easy. PK HAS to be warned of, and announced to staff ahead of time. No surprise kills, unless both parties are totally fine with it - yes, you can spend your own xp (mostly), yes staff will be watching and newspapering if a pk is requested/declared and someone dumps a bunch of xp.
Come, tell your crazy ass stories. DO over the top shit. Break things. Get your things broken. Live. Die. Start again. Fast, and fun, and simple. But also with a goal of creating that depth that makes people want to stick around. Some people want the kind of intensity and crazy from ye olde tabletop days of yore. Some people want the politics and the reasons to hold territory and work together. And I'm going to do my best to rally the growing team of folks on staff to give people that wild ride, those near death experiences that make people slump back in a chair after a scene and need a cigarette like: /fuck/.
Don't be afraid to lose, because losing can be amazing. Chicks dig scars.
This is where I'm coming from. I want to focus on story and building a fantastic game. I don't want to throw away energy worrying about things overly or getting sucked into arguments with no real end.
Latest posts made by Taika
RE: Do people still MU*?
@chibichibi Looks like reskinned Sheltering Skies.
RE: City of Shadows MUX
@Kay >.> I suffer from 'stared at it too long' and 'I know the backside and forget people don't always see what I see'. If you're comfortable helping toss in a +request when you find missing stuff, I can try to make sure it gets added. Our 'ling staffer has Covid and I'm on the upswing (finally!) of a nasty sick of some sort.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@Bellecourt >.> I didn't reply there cause I replied here. Just by happenstance, I saw the post here first. <.<
RE: City of Shadows, LF a +1
@Ganymede makes grabby hands Worst case, it'd be a good place to start. I'm currently spitballing something like a set list of mods with a point cost, then a time/resource cost based on how much +# there is, with the mod-points capping at Crafts skill level wth a required '1/2 of total mod points, round up' in negatives. And some wiggle room for crazy ideas that can get some on-the-fly point cost assigned.
For example: A +3 gun with 8-again (2pt mod) (stepped down from a natural 9-again) would have a minimum 3 weeks time, cost 3 +resource points, and have 1pt flaw to it. Loosely. It's barely a formed idea, let alone a system, just yet.
Trying to keep it simple and streamlined, be flexible and hard(ish) to abuse and flood the game with crazy stuff is proving tricksy.
RE: City of Shadows, LF a +1
@Ganymede >.> That'd be epic <.< Doing a clean up/re-work to pull the post-apoc references is on the to-do list, I just won't really have time to do it until after school starts and it's kind of low on the list compared to some other things (looking at you, crafting system.)
RE: City of Shadows, LF a +1
@Bellecourt For sure. Hit me up in the next day or two. Between being done with vending prep and vending and the youngest starting school this year my time time should open up a ton in the next two weeks ^.^
RE: Your yearly 'Active WOD' request thread.
I've been puttering at cleaning up CoS' grid and database and can keep an eye about if people want to play there. Might be coaxed into running some plot, don't mind doing jobs. More than a handful of peeps, I'd need some staff for, though. It has code for ling/mage/wolf/vamp/m/m+, but I have it tuned to wolf/vamp atm.
RE: Crimson Dynasties -- A Vampire: The Requiem 2e MUSH set in modern Beijing
I poked my head in for a little bit. The wiki was extremely barebones, especially for someone not familiar with Ares. I think nixing all the covenants and writing in three big ones without giving them abilities to compensate for the loss one gets from being, say, Circle of the Crone, or whatever was a huge detriment. A lot of what I saw came across as a major lack of understanding for the system and the theme of the core game itself, and how those pieces interacted.
RE: City of Shadows
We're still kicking around, reworking some stuff on the wiki. Stripped it back down to a more manageable wolf/vamp/mortal/M+ layout again.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
Can VPN's be blocked on normal tinymux servers? That might get him out of my hair, too. I guess he popped around a week or so ago and I missed his appearance on pubchan.