@surreality said:
Even things like crafters for mystical objects? The 'best' or most potent sources of power for them, thematically, in WoD are all tied to violence and negativity, even if it doesn't necessarily make sense for the object itself. (Not all objects are weapons, after all -- you're going to get a magic healing widget powered up in theme faster from some relatively mundane horror show than you are from the surgeon's kit that saved thousands of lives in a crisis.) It's a built-in bit of conceptual railroading, from my perspective, in ways 'it's a dark world' doesn't cover well enough to pass a laugh test; one would imagine that the most powerful lights in a dark world would have equal strength (if not greater, being so rare) but thematically, they do not and cannot.
I am going to disagree, not because you're wrong, because I do indeed believe that a lot of ST's and Staff will railroad people into combat plots because they're 'easier' to evaluate and plan for.
Plus, a combat scene is probably one of the easiest things one can run from an ST point of view. I won't name names, but there is one person on TR that runs nothing but combat scenes, often these scenes end up being a page or two long, and they do this because it is a quick way to net themselves 2xp a pop. But that's a whole other kettle of fish.
But where I disagree is that it doesn't have to be that way. My argument would be, you're running with what TR has created as the status quo, for PrP's. There are plenty of other ways one can advance, gain an item, explore, solve puzzles, etc. The ST just has to be more involved. To be honest, if tomorrow TR said, no more XP for combat scenes, you may find that the shift would happen naturally.
Or all PrP's would ceases to exist... one or the other.