@Lotherio Just remember, accusations mean nothing from subhumans.

Posts made by cyberdemon
RE: Selling people on MU*'s strikes me as impossible
RE: Selling people on MU*'s strikes me as impossible
@LWhiskey I mean, that's fine, but... that's really not the issue.
RE: RL Anger
They scrapped all bonuses for last year, it seems unlikely that when the second-ish wave hits we will get hazard pay, and now for every writeup they changed the contract where they can dock a huge percentage of your pay.
I'd be livid if they docked my pay out of the blue.
RE: Selling people on MU*'s strikes me as impossible
@GreenFlashlight The issue definitely isn't my sales pitch because these games only seem to attract the same few hundred or so people, and that's a generously high number in 2020. There are more than seven billion people on those planet, and that's all we can get for MU*'s? Come on now. The problem is some combination of:
- The fact that the technology is literally decades out of date,
- The fact that by and large game design stopped in the MU* world, and
- Its community is toxic (and not in the "sometimes they do a racism online" way, in the "they treat people poorly" way)
RE: The Celebrated Company of Mongrels
@Wizz said in The Celebrated Company of Mongrels:
This is probably a good place to mention that if the write up didn't make it clear, rape and pillaging and other war crimes are gonna be a hard no when it comes to "things PCs can do."
That would make sense if they're supposed to be the good guys.
RE: Selling people on MU*'s strikes me as impossible
@mietze Actually they get turned off when I don't tell them anything and just show them the interface, too. People don't like command lines.
Selling people on MU*'s strikes me as impossible
I've been into MU*'s on and off for about a decade and a half now. A little longer, actually. It's been a long time. When I tell people about them, they seem very interested. They like that there's a strong storytelling aspect to it. They like that it's primary literary, in that you write prose to convey your thoughts and what you get is text from other players. They like that there are some rules for conflict resolution comparable to dice rolls. I tell people these things and their faces light right up. It sounds great!
But what gets them every time is that it's command line based. The moment I tell them you have to type in commands "like a DOS prompt," their faces scrunch up and they immediately lose interest. I'm actually arriving at the view that I should be making a project that takes heavy inspiration from the game design choices of MU*'s -- like how rooms connect in a graph rather than in a strict geographic formation, or mobs and inventories, and so on -- but it comes on a cute web GUI. It would be basically the same game, but with pretty buttons to push. I think it could get a lot of people into it. But it is a deviation from the source material in a major way.
RE: The Work Thread
@SilentHills said in The Work Thread:
Had some white trash come into today from their dad's funeral and dupe me into giving a high school beer some malt liquor. Long story short, I feel stupid. I asked for proof of ID, girl showed me her sister's ID - they look enough alike I was like 'yeah okay cool' but my gut didn't feel right. I noticed them being really sneaky about the drinks though and that's when it set in.
My boss was already screaming at me like her name is Gordon Fucking Ramsey over dumb nothings. I had a major meltie in the office - and guess what, they just installed a camera right in my favorite crying place.
They'll enjoy watching my highlights reel later I'm sure.
Lol, gotta be careful about that. Kids love bypassing age restrictions. When I worked in a gas station in the 'hood, I had to become an expert at identifying fake driver licenses/IDs. I still remember that bullet proof glass from there, and I learned why it was necessary to have it multiple times.
RE: Euphoria - Feedback
@Sunny I can't speak for the world, but I know that I'm not suffering from that kind of lethargy. I've made time for personal projects, I started moonlighting for extra cash, and I have spent a lot more time with people in my social circles who moved away for work since it's all online now.
RE: Euphoria - Feedback
@Sunny said in Euphoria - Feedback:
It's not you, it's me -- and you're starting up a game months into a global pandemic. Low engagement is a thing.
I would think that such a thing would increase online activity of this sort, not decrease it, since people are no longer permitted to have normal social lives in many jurisdictions.