It's OK to say no and FTB the TS.
If they don't respect that you either have a conversation with them or involve staff. I don't give a fuck any more.
It's OK to say no and FTB the TS.
If they don't respect that you either have a conversation with them or involve staff. I don't give a fuck any more.
Let's not remove the upvote button because the alternative will be upvote gifs. And I will use them.. hard.
@carex said in Let's talk about TS.:
Give your players a justice system they are part of and your game will last longer with a more loyal player base.
No. And no to everything else. Player does something against policy, they are banned. That's it. If there's no policy then staff may create a policy and clearly state VIOLATING POLICY RESULTS IN BAN.
I'm sure someone can play with the balls to make them prettier.
The ugly code:
[space(40)]\,o \,.\, o%r[space(39)]'%b%b\,*\,O%b%b%b'o%r %b_%b%b___[space(22)]__[space(11)]Oo%b%b%b%r | |/ \(_\)[space(20)]/ _|[space(8)]####%b%b%b%r | ' / _ _ __%b%b%b__ _[space(4)]___ | |_[space(7)]########%b%b%r |%b%b< | | '_ \\ / _` |%b%b/ _ \\|%b%b_|%b%b|\\ #/\\##/\\##/|[space(4)]%r | . \\| | | | | \(_| | | \(_\) | |[space(4)]| \\/%b%b\\/%b%b\\/ |%b%b%b%r |_|\\_\\_|_| |_|\\__\, |%b%b\\___/|_|[space(4)]|____________|[space(9)]%r%b%b/ ____|[space(7)]__/ |[space(13)]################[space(7)]%r | \(___%b%b%b_____|___/[space(15)]#############[space(9)]%r%b%b\\___ \\ / _ \\ \\/ /[space(15)]############[space(11)]%r%b%b____\) |%b%b__/>%b%b<[space(15)]#############[space(10)]%r |_____/ \\___/_/\\_\[space(8)]_[space(4)]####_########[space(7)]%r |%b%b\\/%b%b|[space(17)]| |%b%b### \(_\)######[space(6)]%r | \\%b%b/ | ___%b%b_%b%b%b_ _ __ | |_#_#__ _#_#__#%b%b%r | |\\/| |/ _ \\| | | | '_ \\| __/ _` | | '_ \\ %r | |%b%b| | \(_\) | |_| | | | | || \(_| | | | | |###\)%r |_|%b%b|_|\\___/ \\__\,_|_| |_|\\__\\__\,_|_|_| |_|######\)%r[space(12)]\(##################\\3###################\)[space(18)]%r[space(11)]\(#####################|###################\)%r[space(10)]\(######################\)####################\)%r[space(11)]\(####################\) \(##################\)%r[space(12)]\(##################\)%b%b%b\(################\)
Most of the ones I have are already mentioned, especially in regards to TS and the pressures to have it regularly.
Another is rp with the person is nothing but romance. They won't budge in any other direction. That's a pass.
Fuck yeah is definitely when characters are portrayed with short comings. I don't mean flaws like a missing eye or leg. I'm talking about the imperfect people and they play up their low stats over their above average stats. I just have to be their friend. And I'll probably stalk them. No shame.
I also agree with the bouncing back, feels good when you suddenly lose track of time cause you've been going back and forth with someone far longer than you idealy planned on rp'ing. Then call out sick to work. Again no shame.
edit: Too much modern slang in a historical setting.
@quibbler burn the book.
Then send the author hate mail.
RPing with someone for 6 hours and no romance, no ts, just developing story.
Yup, I'm stalking them now. #letmebeyourrppartner4life
I think I need a nap. I thought you were asking what we enjoy about TSing. I had a lengthy answer until I was about to submit and saw it actually read STing…
Sooo the real answer is, I love using the environment and making it as immersive as possible. I've discovered I enjoyed playing NPCs more than my own characters. They allow me to go ham and as crazy as I want in a temp setting.
I think I'll probably just do that from now own instead of creating characters. NPC scenes for folks. Just chance encounters. What if type shit.
This interaction with the new character joining through creation is soo fuckin important. That's a one on one golden opportunity to make a good impression on both sides as staff and player. When the ST/Admin has constructive feedback without sounding like a prissy possessive prick I feel eagerly excited to play.
I have a bad memory.
Kushiel MUX/Terre d'Ange
Staffed at both
City of Hope
Micah Emil
Steel and Stone
Elinor/Cherise/Faline/Iulia/Maester Pyrs
Hallowed Halls
Perrach the salty mofo
My best friend, Scrappy, just passed on Sunday evening, he was 6. He had a lot more years ahead of him to terrorize my toilet paper.
American Pit Bull Terriers are the most sweetest, goofy, child-like breeds. They don't deserve the bad rep from shitty owners.
New Breaking Point: Suddenly becoming someone's therapist after meeting them once and they have to share/inform you of all the bad things going on in their life. I'm generally a sociable happy/sarcastic person. I babble a lot so I probably bring this on my self by seeming to nice. I'm going to have to toughin up and be more standoffish apprently to curb that shit.
I like how this has become a confession of our acts of stupidity.
Cousin could no longer handle a puppy. Guess I have a new buddy. This dog is weird lookin.
@botulism I am very glad folks are enjoying this. Mad props!