@Pyrephox It has to be large enough that more than like two or three entities can "win," but for territory to be relevant, it means that players can't avoid dealing with it in some meaningful way. Arguing that players should be able to ignore it while going unaffected would definitionally make it irrelevant.
Also, games that are about territory are supposed to have balkanized grids. That's the point of territoriality; "us vs them."
The reason to venture out of their own territory would be that natural (or supernatural) resources are finite and can only realistically be acquired by fighting for it, negotiating for it, or stealing it surreptitiously. Your Pack has 10 members in it but your locus can realistically only support about 4 or 5. Also there are hostile spirits coming in from other territories to fuck your shit up. What now?
Well. Now you do something about it. And that probably entails pulling some shit. Walking the straight and narrow is supposed to be difficult if not impossible on WoD games.