@Coin you really don't feed that much. Shut up.

Posts made by Faceless
RE: Any Streamers Out There?
RE: RL things I love
@Coin said in RL things I love:
- Getting Ashe or Nasus in ARAM
Noooooo, man! It's all about Fiddlesticks in ARAM!
RE: RL Anger
- Teething
- People who are intolerant of other people's cultures
- The Dutch
RE: RL things I love
- Disney Pixar's "Inside Out"
- Freezable teething rings
- Nap time
- Baby Azkaban
- Weird Al's "Word Crimes"
- Nap time
RE: RL Anger
@deadculture said:
If you want to see a successful run of a semi MMO that is RP-based, try City of Arabel in the NwN Open Worlds.
I was always more partial to 'Escape from Underdark' on the persistent worlds.
RE: Coder: Dahan
Dahan or Gizka, I can't recall which one, was on Generations of Darkness for a time. If memory serves.
Edit: I should clarify that, as mentioned, if my memory is correct it was in the capacity as a player. Not as a staffer/coder. Then again with all the strange names, it's possible I got the individual mixed up with a different past staffer on a different game.
RE: Spying on players
@AmishRakeFight summed up most of my intended response pretty well. I see nothing wrong with staff, players, or anyone else invading a public scene. It is public after all. I enjoyed an old WoD game that would regularly do just that; staff could invade a public scene at any time to 'spice it up'.
My issue with "spying" is when some staffer decide he's going to sit Dark in the room with Jimmy and Betty Lou while Jim's elbow deep in Betty Lou, and rub one out. Another scenario: said staffer is snooping pages, getting nothing out of it in their attempt to obtain a Got'cha! Moment except some irrelevant private pieces of information about said individual or better yet the person that they are having a discussion with. It's creepy and when it inevitably comes to light because of whatever circumstances that may arise, will shatter a great deal of trust between player(s) and staff.
If I(and the majority of people) perceive a space as private; player home, pages... and that's about it, then I consider it private. If I'm on a grid, in an IC +event room, or other place typically considered public then I'm left holding the bag to conduct myself accordingly.
RE: Spying on players
Staff in the open and clear about their presence, attention, or intentions are observing.
Staff hiding and generally being very cloak and dagger about their presence in an attempt at a Got'cha! moment are spying.
RE: All Star Wars Scenes Must be in Cantinas (with Spoilers)
Is Generations of Darkness the one that had staff spying on player pages/whispers?
RE: Thenomain's Playlist
@Thenomain said:
Masquerade? Gil Tanamor. I'm pretty sure "Tanamor" was the login. The character was a Werewolf.
Gil actually seems really familiar. I'm uncertain why though, and given that at I played a Mortal that lead to me rarely knowing the "secret" half of Supers.
I played a detective, Chad. I would say that I played him for two or three years, maybe.
RE: Thenomain's Playlist
@Coin said:
@Faceless said:
I'm most curious about who you were on Masquerade.
Your mom.
He was your mom.
That explains so much. It really does. Thanks a lot, mom.
RE: Thenomain's Playlist
I'm most curious about who you were on Masquerade.
RE: Diablo 3
I've been playing here and there when I have the time. Due to my schedule, it allows me to easily join a group, have some no-strings fun, and then depart when I must. Currently running a 50-60 GRift/Torment X Demon Hunter.
RE: Animals!
All you'll be able to see is roughly the upper half of the head. Search for that.
RE: Safe Haven Harbor is seeking a few good players!
@silentsophia Understand that my comment was meant more for humor than anything. Look at it this way: I didn't get an invite either! So I'm just as much a runner-up as the rest of you. Forever alone.
RE: Safe Haven Harbor is seeking a few good players!
It began as invite only. As time and I imagine enthusiasm has gone on, they're likely in search of new/fresh blood. Sure, it feels like you're being picked as a runner-up in the dating pool only after they were shot down by the person they have the hots for, but just deal with it. Play there or don't, a simple choice.