Lyanna's Playlist:
Past (player):
Blood of Dragons: Astos, Quincy, Lena
Steel and Stone: Lyanna, Hareth, Evayne
Game of Kings: Deidra
Outremer Mush (small invite only place): Geoffrey, Tristan, Ophélia
Tales of Daeren: Ruthgar, Emerit, Airysse
Game of Bones: Elinor, Iris, Thadeus, Lara
Eternal Crusade: Elaine, Julieta, Yrsa, Guillaume
Creation's Edge: Adrienne, Antonia
Realms Adventurous: Bryce, Leodwen, Garannon, Gilchrist
Fifth Kingdom: Rochadh, Kaitlyn, Orlaith
Felaguria: Baldwin, Ralph, Edris, Sherzad, Zephan, Leander
Kushiel's Debut: Chrysantheme, Leontine, Evariste, Artemisia, Syrene
Elua's Precept: Caprice, Artemisia
Marsilikos: Severine, Belmont, Delphine, Farah, Cyriel
Firefly Still Flyin': Cassiopeia
Thundergulch: Jessamine
The Interim: Farah, Jacinthe, Agathon
Past (staffer)
Felaguria: Rivers
Fifth Kingdom: Cailleach
Marsilikos: Eisheth
The Interim: Eisheth
Semi-active (staff):
Atharia: Ceres (code staff)
Current (player)
Concordia: Nathaniel