@tragedyjones @Admiral Are you guys playing Fallout 76 on console or PC? I'm hoping to get a good group together so I don't have to play with weirdos.

Posts made by MagicGirl57
RE: General Video Game Thread
RE: General Video Game Thread
Has anyone played We Happy Few yet? I was watching a couple of play throughs on it last night and I am really digging it. I'm halfway done with my FF XV obsession (Swoon, Gladio. Swoon) and have a hankering for something a little dark and interesting.
RE: RL Awkwardness/Cringe
In our emergency department, we have a few regulars that I've begun to become acquainted with over the several months I've been working there. One of them is this old black man with a few mental health issues that's regularly in and out of BH hold. He calls me "Sweet Tits" and "Candy Ass" and is generally pretty compliant with me when he's in my care, so I generally grin & bear it even though his nicknames for me are pretty cringey but whatever.
So, today I went to the Walgreens to pick up my medicine from the pharmacy. While I'm waiting in line, I suddenly hear someone shouting, "It's my SWEEEEEEEEEET TITS!"
I turn around, and this fucker halfway across the store limping towards me faster than I've seen him move in like, ever since knowing him. Just grinning like crazy and going, "Hey Sweet Tits! I knew I recognized that ass! C'mere, sugar!"
He was luckily in a good mood today so I talked to him for a few minutes then noped out of there as fast as I could go without running like a mad woman. I wish I could've died right there on the spot. It's hilarious now, thinking back. Pretty awkward and cringey, but not terrible.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
A man isn't worth shit if he feels the need to take his frustration and anger out on those around him through violence; especially not your adult daughter - your only child that still cares when the others have washed their hands of you. I'm not your fucking punching bag.
RE: Arx: @clues
@aria I've never had an issue with getting clues. The only thing that gets in the way of it is when I just don't have the AP (which is very rare), so I try to direct them to someone else who might be able to give it to them. At the very least, I'll talk about it.
RE: RL Anger
@ganymede I really don't like that we're really sitting here making comparisons about whether black men or white men are getting called out more for sexual harassment. The spotlight should be on any and everyone equally who ends up being called out for their terrible behavior. This shit is silly now.
RE: RL Anger
@Admiral As a young woman of color and who's spent the majority of her adult life in a male-dominated field, I can honestly say that it does not make someone a bad person if they don't want to report that they've been - or suspect that - sexually harassed, regardless of if it's Morgan Freeman or some other random person in a position of influence or power over you. People's natural instincts are anything from not wanting to make enemies out of their co-workers (like you said), risk losing their job, ruining their credibility/not being believed, self-doubt, or any other reason.
No, that doesn't make it right but that's often what it is. People would rather suffer that shit in silence and keep it moving than risk an even worse situation of being viewed as social pariahs and bullied or ridiculed by their peers with slut shaming/accused of lying for X reason.
Or, better yet, the woman blowing her sexual harassment whistle is doing it out of spite and trying to fuck over whatever poor dude wronged her. Or was trying to get some attention in the case of some media stars or influential people having those kind of allegations thrown against tbem.
RE: Favorite music streaming service?
@auspice I AM JUDGING. (Don't worry. Me too.)
RE: Favorite music streaming service?
Spotify actually has some pretty dope songs that I keep in playlists for when I'm somehow somewhere that I can't play my Apple Music or there's song mixes only on Spotify.
RE: Favorite music streaming service?
I really liked Spotify, but it really did have too many ads for me. I prefer to juse use Apple Music since, 9/10, I'm going to be using my iPhone or whatever related device to play music anyway. Sometimes Apple Music doesn't have all the music I like, so I'll use SoundCloud or YouTube since I also like to keep my creepypasta/horror narratives going at night for bed time.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@wildbaboons I’ve been seeing a lot of people print their name as signatures lately. Usually it’s some random barely legal kid or the odd Latino immigrant who doesn’t speak English that well. Not saying there’s any correlation there though! Just what I noticed.
I guess seeing it is just strange since I’ve always been taught that your signature is your personal mark, be it weird scribble scrabble or elegantly penned cursive. It’s supposed to be unique and harder to forge for a reason, right?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
When I ask you to sign your name, I don't mean fucking write it out in plain print on my documents. LEARN TO WRITE IN CURSIVE.
RE: What is your turning point?
I would rather people didn’t start scenes when they have RP commitments coming up within a hour or two of starting that scene, knowing they’re more than likely going to have to pose out and run off to the next thing. It always makes me feel like I’m someone’s temporary entertainment until the thing they want comes around, and turns me off from wanting to really be creative in how I engage someone if they’re just ticking down the minutes until the next thing.
RE: What is your turning point?
@sockmonkey I feel like some scenes just have to be scheduled in order to get things done, especially if it's from a player who's constantly in high demand or has limited play times because of RL obligations. It's just one of those things we have to do if we want to ever cross things off our agendas or lock down that person we'd otherwise constantly near-miss. Don't get me wrong. I do love it when you can come across someone randomly on the grid and have an entirely organic, interesting scene, but those are pretty rare.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@wizz said in Good or New Movies Review:
@jaded said in Good or New Movies Review:
Okay. Infinity War is a huge movie. And it was good. Really good.
Can confirm, I liked it a lot.
BUT, and this is a huge BUT for any MSBites like me with kids: it is super, super fucking dark. Like, shockingly so, especially if you didn't read the comics and don't know what to expect.
I would strongly suggest leaving younger tots at home, it definitely earns its PG-13 rating if not honestly a little more.I saw it at opening last night and it was pretty amazing, but probably not at all what people would expect with how everything falls into place. My Marvel-fu uncle and I had a good time deliberating about it post-movie.
RE: RL things I love
The amount of affection and care I see in my patients and their spouses day in an day out warms my heart. I also love when there's an opportunity that arises when we can genuinely make a difference in how people who come in for treatment and care are feeling. I love my job.