@Arkandel I totally get that and understand, and we're super excited for people to run things. But like I mentioned, we still have to work out the issue of consistency. This is a completely original theme, we don't have source books for people to use when running things, so we are still hashing out what and how people can PrP. Bear with us! There will be a way. Plot is and always will be the big kahuna, and we're getting there soon as the train hauls into beta. We're just not done yet.

Posts made by Marshmallow
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Arkandel PrPs are definitely going to be a thing, just not right this very moment during alpha as far as I know. There are going to be rewards for STs and some sort of structure to keep consistent theme.
Guides are very much a work in progress too, thank you for your suggestions, because it's good to know where knowledge feels the most slim to new players. Gear, prestige, agents, there's a lot on the to-do list right now!
Edited because I type too slowly.
RE: Pokemon Go
@Cobaltasaurus I lost an Eevee because of that. Such sorrow.
RE: LootCrate Experiences
@Auspice It definitely felt like a lot of Dr. Who at the beginning (I'm not into it either, so those were the more disappointing months) but in the past few crates there's been more variety: Nintendo, Marvel, D.C., Star Wars. So far it's been stuff like necklaces, hair ties, bracelets, and a jazzy Harley Quinn cosmetics organizer. I feel like it has improved!
RE: LootCrate Experiences
I used to subscribe to the regular LootCrate, and had no complaints other than not always appreciating/knowing what work (game, show, whatever) the item originated from. That said, I replaced it with the LootCrate ladies accessories subscription and have been thrilled with it. My Super Mario scarf is now my favorite scarf. I've never regretted subscribing to any of it.
RE: The Descent MUX
I feel like I need a paper bag to hyperventilate into. I am so pumped for this.
RE: Random links
@Arkandel I shouldn't have watched that. I knew better. Still shuddering.
RE: RL Anger
Nothing irks me quite like when drivers refuse to yield the right of way to pedestrians in crosswalks. It's a special combination of rude and dangerous.
RE: Do you Tabletop?
Do/did you play in a tabletop game now or in the past? Nope! Never have.
What games(s) do/did you play as tabletop? N/A
Are/were you the GM/ST/DM at your tabletop? N/A
Would you tabletop if you had the opportunity? Maybe! The possibility to do so online has come up exactly once, but never came to fruition. Never offline, though. It's honestly a little intimidating.
Do you have the opportunity but choose NOT to tabletop? Nah, I don't know of anyone in person who does it.
Misc: I know nothing.