I personally think it's the best client for MOOs on windows by far. Tried everything else and it does it all much easier.

Posts made by Ping
RE: How to BeipMU: The best MU Client for Windows
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
@coin Yeah, @Auspice was helpful enough to provide it above.
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
@sparks Thanks for the suggestion. We'll stick with our text file for now, though. The database idea sounds more complicated than the whole project is currently.
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
Interesting idea for older versions, I didn't think of that. We'd ideally want everyone to be using the latest version since updates are free, and if the file changes the old versions won't know their list is now frozen in time (though we could put in some type of message). We'll see how it goes, if the list is being updated all the time and the format is stabilized I can see doing it that way
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
We thought of doing that, but then we'd need to figure out a file format that would work for all past versions as well as future versions and we didn't think we would know what we wanted in the first version of that. For now, tying the world list to the version you have ensures that all of the world settings are optimized for what you're using. This list is also just meant to get new users started, so it's not going to be all inclusive. We also hope people will report issues through our github or even send us updates directly.
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
@wretched That has been implemented a long time ago. Though if you are on Windows 7, you'd have to install the Hunspell libraries for it to work. I can give you a link for it if you are indeed on Windows 7 and need it.
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
If anyone would be interested in giving other suggestions for the BeipMU client, please feel free to join us on the discord channel.
RE: List of active MU for a client database.
@auspice We had the same thoughts that you do, so it's going to be a totally separate list. Plus, we plan to update it each release so it's not stale. We wanted it to be easy for new users to find active worlds without having to hunt through lots of dead links on existing lists. If the idea doesn't work out, we'll just remove it! Thanks for the link ::
List of active MU for a client database.
Hi, I'm helping develop BeipMU and we would like to include a world database in the client. Would you guys mind posting links to MU that are active? I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
RE: Rolplay-centric games
@Chet Brilliant. I'll definitely have a look!
RE: Rolplay-centric games
Wow. Thank you guys. I never knew about all these games! Any cyberpunk games perchance?
Rolplay-centric games
I was wondering if any of you guys know of a solid roleplay game where admin are not heavy handed, and allow the stories to flow as long as they follow the theme. The ones I have played were all ruined by excessive admin interference in what was something akin to the Stanford experiment.
Thank you all in advance for the replies!
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
@Sparks Also sorry about this, but how do I reduce the scrollback buffer size exactly?
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
@Sparks Thanks for the advice. Will you include Lua scripting in 2.0?
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
@Sparks Is this what you were talking about:
Feb 16 20:13:51 Gs-MacBook-Pro Atlantis[26136]: Atlantis(26136,0xb04e0000) malloc: mach_vm_map(size=8388608) failed (error code=3)
error: can't allocate region
set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Feb 16 20:13:52 --- last message repeated 39 times ---
Feb 16 20:13:52 Gs-MacBook-Pro Atlantis[26136]: Atlantis(26136,0xa53391c0) malloc: mach_vm_map(size=8388608) failed (error code=3)
error: can't allocate region
set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Feb 16 20:13:52 Gs-MacBook-Pro Atlantis[26136]: Atlantis(26136,0xb04e0000) malloc: mach_vm_map(size=8388608) failed (error code=3)
error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Feb 16 20:13:54 --- last message repeated 11 times ---
Feb 16 20:13:54 Gs-MacBook-Pro com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (net.riverdark.Atlantis.1152[26136]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Feb 16 20:14:04 Gs-MacBook-Pro Atlantis[31390]: No appropriate Perl bundle available, unable to load /Applications/Atlantis.app/Contents/Frameworks/CamelBones.framework/Libraries/darwin-thread-multi-2level-5.18.2.bundle
Feb 16 20:14:04 Gs-MacBook-Pro Atlantis[31390]: Perl not available! -
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
@Sparks said in Mac Client Recommendations?:
I'd need to see more of the crash log information, I'm afraid. I'm also on Sierra and haven't had that problem.
When it crashes it brings up a dialogue box with a little ladybug (crash reporter?) And -says- it's "generating a crash report" but then that just quits out after a second or two, and nothing appears to be generated. Is there some other way to obtain that information? I am not sure where these logs might be getting saved.
RE: Mac Client Recommendations?
@Sparks I have an odd problem I was wondering if you could help with.
The problem is the client crashes suddenly with very little warning. I first experience a heavy amount of hang time within the GUI itself, for seemingly no specific cause. The type box at the bottom gets' jerky' and unresponsive when trying to register things being typed in it, dropdown menus are slow to recognize I'm trying to click them, etc. Then the client hangs... i get a spinning wheel, and it forcefully crashes. It happens roughly every few days.
I am on Sierra - 10.12.2. Thanks.