Boob money, as a cashier.... just... ugh, and it's now 1000 worse now that it's summer.

Best posts made by Pony Trolling
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Seriously... as a cashier, say the above, we will forever love you for it and probably everyone else waiting as well, because we are all thinking it, and judging them silently with plastic smiles and feigned patience for idiots and asshats.
Latest posts made by Pony Trolling
RE: WoD MUSH Comparison?
@Arkandel pretty much this. The major difference between a table top DM and an online one, is really knowing them. The screen is pretty much there for anticipation as far as I'm concerned, and keeping things a mystery.
The long and the short of it is this... If my DM is cheating rolls, it's going to be for the interest of story, or for character benefit, either way it's for the enrichment of the game. If he's cheating rolls for any other reason, I will simply walk away and find a different TT to play.
Having had DM's that both cheat rolls, and don't, I'd much prefer a fudged roll every now and again, though sometimes that arrow from the darkness that hits a natural 20, and then a second natural 20, and then a third and results in... "An goblin arrow from the darkness is fired, you are vaporized so hard for no real reason that you cease to exist and your party all takes AOE damage of 3x d6 for bone fragments because wtfsplosions," can be hilarious at times, but leaves your game dead in the water.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Seriously... as a cashier, say the above, we will forever love you for it and probably everyone else waiting as well, because we are all thinking it, and judging them silently with plastic smiles and feigned patience for idiots and asshats.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Boob money, as a cashier.... just... ugh, and it's now 1000 worse now that it's summer.