Posts made by Rick Sanchez
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@ThatGuyThere Entirely fair. I just had this image in my head of this little punk ass little bitch declaring MUHAHAHA, ALL YOUR SANCTUM ARE BELONG TO ME and somehow not getting rekt on the spot.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@ThatGuyThere Why didn't they just kill him when he villain revealed? All those deeds don't mean shit in HP town.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Ganymede said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Rick-Sanchez said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
Well, like I said, the bar for scrutiny is spending more than a minute with someone. So yes. I would scrutinize my date, probably before the making out part.
I prefer to deny the past rather than accept the present.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Arkandel Well, like I said, the bar for scrutiny is spending more than a minute with someone. So yes. I would scrutinize my date, probably before the making out part.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Coin I mean, I guess you could argue that cops have no particular interest in knowing whether or not they're dealing with criminals, but I think it's a reach.
At the very least, players getting uppity about this are plainly in the wrong. It's not OOC to use cheap, useful abilities regularly. It's not "metagaming."
"I do this with everybody" is a pretty legitimate excuse for something that takes three seconds. If I could do this, I might do it on the checkout line at the grocery store while I'm in line. Considering the outright paranoia that is justified in all of WoD, but especially Mage, an argument could be made that this would be the default behavior.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Coin A Mage knowing if something supernatural is up with someone, even if it's ambiguous exactly what, is very valuable. It would be comparable to being a cop who can see "CRIMIINAL" tattooed on criminals' foreheads if he squints his eyes at them. I imagine any smart cop would be squinting at everybody he meets, perhaps even not while on duty.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Coin said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Rick-Sanchez said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
@Arkandel Thing is, Mage allowed you to do a lot of things that were probably not the best idea. Like scrutiny. You can give basically everyone you meet the hairy eyeball to determine if they're a supernatural or not. The amount of time it takes -- about three seconds -- is negligible. If you aren't doing this, you're stupid. But if you acted on this, they called it "icon twinking" or whatever, when in reality it's just "good habits."
Inaccurate. Scrutiny takes a long time. You can glance at someone with mage Sight and if they have some weird shit going on on the surface, sure; but as far as actually scrutinizing them, it took a lot longer. It's just that people don't read the book and also think you can someone get away with staring at someone for a full minute without the person going "hey, what do you want?"
The book explicitly states that this is a form of "scrutiny." It takes one success to notice something is up. It's "Extended" but 1 roll = 1 turn = 3 seconds.
In conclusion, you can tell someone is supernatural in some capacity in one turn. It's highly impractical to not do this if you plan on spending more than one minute interacting with this person.
RE: The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
@Arkandel Thing is, Mage allowed you to do a lot of things that were probably not the best idea. Like scrutiny. You can give basically everyone you meet the hairy eyeball to determine if they're a supernatural or not. The amount of time it takes -- about three seconds -- is negligible. If you aren't doing this, you're stupid. But if you acted on this, they called it "icon twinking" or whatever, when in reality it's just "good habits."
The game was just full of common sense solutions to all kinds of problems that totally broke theme. You didn't even have to be that creative about it. I mean, all the splats had some of that going on, but Mage was the worst about it.
RE: [Poll in OP] Population Code
@Coin Maybe something could be written with the Dada engine to generate pseudorandom descriptions for them. Though it'd be pretty hard to keep it coherent and not loltastic non-sequiturs.
RE: [Poll in OP] Population Code
I think it'd be pretty cool but the specifics would get hard.
RE: Downvotes
@Arkandel I mean, my main objection here in this thread is that we aren't talking about downvotes, but instead about everything else. I'm going to have to weigh in on @Bug-In-A-Jar's side and say that we should probably do away with voting because it creates a lot of drama, as we have seen in this very thread.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@hedgehog I never got into Changeling in the first place because it just immediately conjured images of KISSMEIMIRISH drunken tomfoolery oi m8 fist foits at the pub while the bagpipes play in the background.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@hedgehog Yeah, that shit's a non-sequitur. And unfortunately, it's a non-sequitur that wasn't even that fun. I mean, at least when they added animism to Werewolf it just kinda "worked." This, well, doesn't.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@hedgehog Well, in White Wolf's defense, it is meant to be a mish-mash of all kinds of different lore loosely pertaining to whatever splat in question. That said, I agree. They took too many liberties in some cases.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@Kanye-Qwest That's only true outside of WoD. Within it, they just have yet another "mental breakdown" that gives them +15 aggro attack dice.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@Lithium I can't speak for oWoD because I've always played nWoD, but I think part of the issue here is that everyone wants to be a special snowflake, and a game marketed as "personal horror" should give a degree of license to that. Combine this with the reality that people aren't terribly creative, and, well, there you have it. They break the rules, rather than adding to them.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@Autumn I just looked it up and you're right. I don't know what crack White Wolf was smoking to make it so you can permanently copy grimoires at Matter1/Prime1, but you can't copy auto parts from raw materials until Matter 4, but they made it work that way. Why, who knows.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
@HorrorHound You're right. They are marked individually. So they could eventually track him down, but the thing is, this detail just gives me basis for him to, uh, diversify the pool. Counterfeit a few different benjies, and then spend them on small purchases, and eventually get more legit ones. The more unique numbers you add to his mix, the harder it gets to find him; I'd imagine it'd be logarithmic, too, as opposed to linear.
It would make it seem less deterministic. Then there's the possibility that the caster just goes, "Yeah, well, I'll use Matter 2 instead of the normal Matter 1. Now I can make small 'stylistic' changes like making the serial numbers unique."
Wow, I wonder if we could take this farther, though, and make a character based around counterfeiting all sorts of shit, not just money. If you can copy a grimoire with Prime 1, Matter 1, what could you require to copy an Artifact? Or a Fetish?
Could I add Space 2 to this to counterfeit paperwork from afar, or Forces 1 to override electronic records in a computer system?
A character who has a bunch of low-dots all over the place, but whose modus operandi is counterfeiting/fabricating all the little details required to make things go his way could be a really fun concept, imo.
RE: World (Chronicles?) of Darkness Concepts You Would Enjoy RPing with
I had an idea recently. There's a spell in the Mysterium called Copy Grimoire. It requires Prime 1 and Matter 1, and with it, you can, on a Lasting basis, copy a grimoire. It's Extended, as well, so it requires patience.
What if you wanted to make convincing counterfeits of things, though? Given roughly the same material, you could make a duplicate of it, as I surmise, with just Matter 1. These are for mundane objects only. I mean, if you can copy supernatural stuff with Prime 1, Matter 1, can't you copy mundane stuff with just Matter 1?
But he could be an entire persona based on fake shit. Take a wad of cash he got from the bank, duplicate it. And then duplicate that again. Ad infinitum. Redistribute an immense amount of wealth directly to himself with money that's counterfeit, yet indistinguishable from the real thing, to the extent that even the best (mundane) experts wouldn't be able to tell.
And this wouldn't necessarily be a whole character, but a particular scheme that a starting character could pull off. And pretty much without consequence, unless you're contriving them.