Tyche? Still posting terrible opinions? I guess some things never change.

Posts made by silentsophia
RE: RL Anger
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat The lampreys of the barony she headed freaked her the hell out, too.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
I still can't believe the first period thing.
Sofia was pretty much the naval gal. Sure, she had a thing for Sans, but she had a job and things to do. Plus, Admiral Fluffnstuff was a very popular cat.
RE: RL Anger
I'm honestly kind of sad that women have to deal with this just to enjoy a freaking hobby. Cops tend to be terrible at how they handle harassment and rape, and it's - yeah.
I think Apos is pretty right. Though, I really twitch at GamerGaters and SadPuppies people (lol @ being upset that Sci-Fi is 'too progressive'.).
Even look at the problem of assholes who try to get upskirt, breast and panty shots at cons on the sly.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
I would love an FS game. Sofia was one of my favorite PCs ever.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
And pfff, I totally played an awesome vassal to Antonio. Sofia thought he was great, but kind of scandalous.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
Regardless, Amber kinda turned a scene into 'This is how SS and her PC kinda suck eggs'. I honestly have no problem handling some stuff OOC like my bog salt for your booze, or whatever if someone has limited RP time. I mean, it would be a pretty short scene.
I adored my PC a lot. She got some things did. But man, it felt like her Count and general area just got curbstomped.
RE: Space Lords and Ladies
@Packrat Well. She spent 4 hours telling me my character and I (OOCly) were incompetent, unfit, blah blah blah, for a position I had kinda worked towards.
I think it worked out in the end for me, and yes, I treated her kindly even after - I helped her with some of her tasks for her little territory. I just got kinda burned and really could've lived my life without being told I'm stupid, incompetent, and so on. I realize my PC was pretty young for what she was, but eesh.
RE: RL Anger
LOL RETAIL. I have been spitescheduled all weekend every weekend. being social is for the weak.
Dying laptop. Nooooooooooooo. I am still saving your successor!
Cats. I love you. So so much. SO WHY ARE YOU RAGE PEEING AT EACH OTHER!?
RE: RL things I love
I love that we have a snake farm. SNEKS.
Zoos are awesome. I should see if we have an aquarium.
Also, my awesome yarn got here early.
RE: Three Cheers for Staffers!
@mietze I only downvote obvious, unfunny trolls, racism, etc.
RE: RL Anger
Living with burned bridges is a pain, but I'll get there. I don't want to say let it go because that fucking song plays in the toy section ALL. THE. TIME.
I mean, I'll miss my friends but if I was lashing out that badly, it wasn't a good thing for anyone.
RE: RL Anger
@VulgarKitten Probably after all us retail workers are replaced by robots and they go insane post-Black Friday.
Hahahahaha.... yeah right that anyone would spend a shitload on robots when you have poor humans.
RE: RL Anger
I hate being irritable at stupid, small things. Being irritable sucks and I can't tell if it's me, if it's the meds or if I'm actually just a rampaging bitch in disguise.
RE: RL things I love
My awesome physician.
New sheets that feel awesome!
And my tea got here, plus chapstick that doesn't taste like ass.
RE: RL Anger
@ThatGuyThere It's a nice sentiment. I'm just in a shitty town with shitty job prospects. Here's to hoping I can build my savings.
RE: Couples who MU together
Couples usually don't bother me. I mean, unless I get a horrible page out of the blue about stealing their SO, I usually just go with whatever they are playing. Doesn't mean a vampire gets to go to my sexy mage parties, though.