After thousands of dollars spent over these last couple of months, on my lunch hour I FINALLY sent in the remaining paperwork to our immigration attorney. Everything needed to obtain my husband’s green card. As of now, it’s a waiting game as to when we get a call back for the interview in Detroit. We were told that could be anywhere from 6 months to a year. But it’s done. It’s over. I can breathe a sigh of relief. And be grateful I’ll be able to have my husband home permanently, and our family being more united . This pandemic has certainly been eye opening. Now if I could just see my step kids, I’d say things would be close to perfect.

Best posts made by SuperiorHuron
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
RE: RL things I love
I've said this a lot. I know I have. But it bears it repeating. Since the borders closed between the US and Canada had closed, we have been cut from from family. Until yesterday. Yesterday after almost 2 years of NOT seeing my step children, I got them yesterday. For the weekend. Brought to us by my mother in law. Who will be also bring them home Sunday. Canadians no longer have to do the covid testing if they're gone less than 72 hrs, so she's helping us. I've been crying a lot.
RE: RL things I love
This is one step closer to seeing my husband and step kids. So this is beyond happy. This is overwhelmingly ecstatic. I haven't seen my husband in almost 2 months, my step kids since before Easter. It's been rough goings. This is one step closer to getting my family reunited.
EDIT While this at first made me happy and in theory is great, one would have to quarantine for 2 weeks once in Canada. Which I can't do since I can't afford the time off...It's a one way trip. But it sounded good. And I do understand the reasoning behind it. So back to the drawing board...
RE: The Work Thread
My place of employment has decided, as of 2 days ago, to pay the premium of our health insurance. As for the rent that comes out of my checks, they also chose to stop that as well. Until further notice. None of which will be required to pay back. I've never felt more grateful or fortunate to be where I am. Ever.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
After explaining everything to my Dr, she put me on the medication strattera. I know it's easy to blame everything on the pandemic, I know I have. In this case, I wasn't off. For a decade, I was able to handle my ADHD on my own with coffee and routine. When my routine went to shit for a couple months because my work schedule changed, my family dynamic changed, just so much change, I couldn't get back on track. I was definitely not me. So far, after about 3-4 weeks, this has helped me focus a whole lot more. Like, after a week it took me a second to realize that I was able to FOCUS. That I wasn't paying attention to EVERYTHING around me. The noise died down a bit. I've been able to sleep without thinking about what I'm supposed to be doing tomorrow or next week. I just need to start remembering to leave notes, like grocery lists, bills, and things. I can still get a little off, and get a little chatty. Sometimes I just need someone to tell me to take a step back. Because I know I can be a bit much sometimes. But it's definitely a step in the right direction
SuperiorHuron's Playlist
Yes I know..I've played ARX for a year now. And I'm still learning. As I go. MU games are relatively new to me, so-that said!
Arx: Thea, Rosalind
Past: Skotos-Castle Marrach, Merrynn aka Merry
Discord? Kessie#3614Editing to add: All that said, I really don't mind the criticism, the truths, the hard facts. What should I be learning more of, what do you enjoy, hate! I had a rough patch for a minute, but alls is well
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Not really a peeve, but if Leslie Jordan could just start announcing every disaster or bit of bad news from here on out, that'd be GREAT!
RE: RL things I love
Today, for the first time since May, my husband is flying home from Canada. It may be only for a few months, but he's coming home.
Now if only I could find a way to see my step kids, life would be super!
RE: RL things I love
Taught my son how to mow the lawn this weekend. The hard way. Basically, the benefits and value of hard work. Followed by him cooking dinner on his own this evening. I'm loving the teachable moments!
RE: RL things I love This! This view made me happy! A WHOLE LOTTA HAPPY!
RE: RL Sads
I seem to say this a lot or bring it up. And then I apologize. Because I'm sorry. I was going to bring my husband over from Canada to the US side this weekend, so I had called the customs office. Who informed me that he could NOT visit, even with a quarantine plan in place. That it would be deemed nonessential. Canada has it so immediate family can cross and are deemed essential visitors. We however don't have the same rules implemented. It will be 5 months the end of August I've seen him. 6 months since my step kids. It's been disheartening and sad. Rumors of the borders not opening until Feb or Mar. That's a long time for any family.
But what I have learned is, we can buy him a plane ticket. To fly into the states. So here we are, going to drive miles to just get him home. You do what you have to do. But what I learned throughout this whole thing? We have amazing people in our corner. So many of our friends have come out of the woodwork, offering to pay for his ticket, just so he can be home with his family here. It makes me feel lucky to know these people. There's been a lot of unshed tears, that people haven't seen. And I'm just fortunate to know these people. So with this RL sad, there is a RL happy.
RE: RL Sads
@SilentHills Hi! I know the feeling! It sucks, but this too will pass. It's been hard on a lot of people. Im not sure if anyone has been excluded. I've learned a lot during 2020, so no worries! About myself included. We all aren't so pretty! If you need an ear, you can yell at me me if you want.
To sum up the year so far..
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Auspice I get pinterest crazy. I will go through picture after picture of things that hold my interest. For hours. I should show you. Im not even embarrassed. Books...When I told my boss about my ADHD diagnosis, she wasn't surprised. What I learned about myself during this pandemic is that I very much need routine. It lacked and I wasn't in a very good place mentally. I'm also very social. I had a great deal ripped away and I didn't handle anything well, so..I think when you learn more about YOU, the more you can work out an outlet that makes you happy.