Best posts made by SuperiorHuron
RE: Critters!
This is Winston. He's 4. He has hip dysplasia and has already had hip surgery. Breaks out in hives and his eyes have swelled shut from every mosquito bite, bee stings....he got flees once and had to get a steroid shot. He takes daily meds of meloxicam and gabapentin, gimping when he's pushed to hard or didn't take his meds. He's a young dog in an old man body. Costs an arm and a leg, BUT wouldn't take any of it back.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@Macha this feels like a piece of my childhood breaking. Oh man!
the maggot rice gets me every time!
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
Grant Imahara
I'm not sure who watched Mythbusters, but I watched it a lot with my kids. One of the few things I could get them to watch that wasn't..awful. -
RE: The Work Thread
I work in a medical clinic as a receptionist at a tribal clinic. We got money from the CARES act and recently there was a meeting regarding us getting Hazard pay. It's turned into a giant shit show. Who should be getting it, who shouldn't. Do we get it, does the billing staff? Do we get it at all? Then there's the fighting. Well you don't DESERVE IT! I don't even want to enter the building. I don't even care if it get it. I've been happy with the fact my insurance is being taken care of. And my mortgage. And all the smaller things. Once that check comes from the back pay, it'll be taxed anyway. I'm just over all of it. My boss? She's amazing. She's trying to make sure we get everything she feels we deserve. I've never felt luckier to have anyone.
RE: RL things I love
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
@SuperiorHuron said in RL things I love:
Today, for the first time since May, my husband is flying home from Canada. It may be only for a few months, but he's coming home.
That's amazing!
I don't actually know, are the borders open (and are they open both ways)?
Unfortunately the borders are only open via air still for Canadians. So he flew from Toronto into Detroit. You know, the hotspots. Instead of driving a safe 5 min across a bridge. But he's here. And we couldn't be more excited. Even if he does have to quarantine.
RE: Critters!
I have no words. None. Winston looks possessed and Simba looks like he choking on snow. Both are clearly enjoying themselves. Lol
RE: MU Things I Love
Being in an awesome prp with amazing people, with an even more amazing GM. Where your characters are "high as balls" and trying to fight things(no fault of their own here!) Just an all around good time. With everyone!
RE: RL Sads
@silverfox I honestly don't think teachers got nearly as much credit as they deserved. I know so many teachers that genuinely cared for their students and did everything they could . My son's teachers were and have been absolutely amazing with us. They've kept in contact the best way they could. So to you, thank you so so much for everything you done! I certainly hope everything is better for you next year!
@Aria haha you would think so, BUT lol Manchester Orchestra is one that I've found. A lot of Indie bands actually. I've just dipped into a whole new genre that I liked, but never delved into until recently. In response to yours? David Bowie and Queen's Under Pressure is probably one of my favorites. As soon as it starts, you instantly KNOW what it is. You turn it up and roll down the window....and like you said, things are more bearable.
RE: RL Sads
It's been such a rough go. I'm so sorry about your mom and everything else. Hang in there, it sounds like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs!
RE: Critters!
Mine wore one after getting fixed. Looked like a stoned lampshade.
RE: Critters!
I thought it would be this amazing idea to buy a sprinkler specifically geared toward my dogs. More the puppy, since he tries to climb in the tub while I shower, eat the water...you know, the normal puppy thing. Obviously, I failed. I want my money back!