So my 2020 has consisted of, more or less in order:
- My aunt getting admitted to hospital on January 1 with no idea who she is, where she was, or who my relatives were
- Said aunt getting diagnosed with a brain tumor... specifically stage 4 glioblastoma
- My brain deciding that this was a good trauma trigger for a past event (I was living with her at the time), so I had a complete mental breakdown which resulted in me being sent home for a week with benzos because I had been having a panic attack for 3 days straight
- Still on meds for that one
- School suspended, and teaching my child with ASD remotely did NOT happen
- Spring break trip for smol human cancelled
- One of my cats died (in April)
- Then my aunt died (a week after my cat)
- My last remaining grandparent had a stroke. On my birthday.
- Summer trip for me and smol human cancelled
- My BIL got COVID
- I forced my friend twice into hospital with suicidal ideation because the first time, they just sent her home with drugs and said 'see you in January'
- Birthday stuff for smol human cancelled
- Christmas stuff cancelled
I think that's been my year-ish...
Oh, I'm also an essential worker in a hospital. The burnout is real. At least I'm not on a COVID ward.
0/10, do not recommend