Yeah, tbh, not sure what's with the hostility in this thread. Seems to be coming from our side.

Controversial posts made by Tempest
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
RE: A Post-Mortem for Kingsmouth
RfK's players seriously drank the Kool Aid.
Alzie is batshit crazy, nothing new there.
RE: Specific MU request
@ThatGuyThere said:
I have noticed myself the mushes are less clique-y then in the past.
None of the places I have tried in the last couple of years have been that hard to find rp in, finding a group I really clicked well with might be a different story but most places I have seen people have been pretty open to new comers.
The last place I felt I had trouble finding Rp because I was new was Haunted Memories.I think this is in part because most games are infinitely less "competitive" than they used to be. So there's less "fear". Barring the outliers like RfK. Most are pretty sandboxy/non-competitive at all, and the antaganists are usually specifically outside the sphere rather than other players/factions.
RE: A Post-Mortem for Kingsmouth
@Caryatid said:
I haven't seen anyone in this thread go 'rah rah our game was the super best!'.
I mean, aside from OP's novel which ended with what basically amounted to "ugh, every other MU is a piece of shit and we have to try and settle now".
Honestly, the game itself and my time there was less annoying than all the 'omg RfK was so perfect, and all these other games are WRONG' that all the recent players keep lobbing around.
RE: A Post-Mortem for Kingsmouth
@Groth said:
When RfK started, it consisted of Shava playing a dozen NPC's, her husband and about 5 PCs. When RfK closed it had over 100 unique active players and no active NPCs. As the game grew it became much more political then it was while it was still very small and the relative importance of Shava's husband became much smaller.
I'm not sure why @Tempest feels like they have anything to contribute about RfK events that happened after March 2014. There were plenty enough real issues with RfK that you don't need to make them up with your imagination.
I'm not sure 'old problem' and 'imaginary problem' are the same thing.
I also poked at RfK as of 2 months ago, and played for a week or two, and the NPCs definitely still seemed to be active from my glance around, so yeah. Try again.
And please. Around the time I stopped played, the game was up to 20+ active individuals at night, and Shav was hugely active on NPCs, shagging people on them, and her husband's PC maintained his connections to the NPC power structure.
RE: A Post-Mortem for Kingsmouth
I'm gonna roll my eyes at the 'tee-hee there was so much going on there was no time for TS'. The reason RfK was so popular for ghouls/mortals is that they could make sex-slave fuckbunnies who, despite only rarely RPing outside of their owner's bedroom, could pretend to be "useful" or brag about their "allies/etc" and roll dice at jobs and off-screen stuff (keyword there being off screen). The same attitude goes for many of the vamp players too.
If people want to play a 'useful' ghoul somewhere that doesn't get ignored, it's perfectly doable, you just need to..ding-ding, not spend the majority of your RP time in somebody's bedroom.
ETA : And /of course/ the RfK players will be perfectly polite and adapt seamlessly to games that don't hold their hands constantly and spoonfeed them RP. Yeah right. I foresee lots of problems. I mean look, even the OP had this gem to share "After playing on a game which offered so much, going elsewhere feels like stepping into a wasteland. What is there to do? Sandbox and TS, do the occasional plot…? One could argue that Requiem for Kingsmouth offered too much, leaving its players spoiled and ruined for other games."
This 'rah rah our game is the best ever' shit is so tiresome. Nevermind that Shavalyoth was TSing players on her NPCs. Nevermind that her husband is a power-hungry asshole who she completely caved to and gave him everything he wanted. Didn't Tobias (the Invictus Prince) quit playing, immediately after getting killed via +job by an NPC or something? Didn't your game just close because all these ridiculous coded systems are impossible to sustain?
RfK was not some pillar of everything a MU should be. It had some plus sides, but only if you're into a heavy PvP environment, and mostly only if you're the sort of player who needs activity shoved down your throat, or you want to be able to play a fuckbunny who pretends to be useful because she has Allies-XYZ and Resources5 (like every other character ever)