Feedback request, round #1
Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 m.
@Quibbler Danke. Is it showing up as tucked under the letters beneath it (with a shadow effect to help unmuddle it for legibility), or is it actively clipping it off (hard edge and the bottom of the letter is actually gone)?
Edit: I test in chrome, but I'm also on a mac and we're in a mac-only household -- so often what I see isn't necessarily what someone else is going to be seeing. We had some serious weirdness in firefox that needed workarounds, so I'm very ears-open to any of these issues as they appear, so they can ideally get handled before stuff goes properly live.
I'm on Chrome and I can see them, but they're behind the lighter text due to the spacing. -
@surreality You do you! But this was put up for feedback, and mine is that the excruciatingly detailed condemnations and explanations of all those behaviors comes off, to me, like a bitch session. If you don't think so, or don't mind, your reasons are good enough.
Detailed examples are a good idea in my opinion.
Summaries of general trends at the top, and mentioning that these examples come from years of play across many games should alleviate concerns that this is about bashing some other specific game, or that these things are problems here.
@Kanye-Qwest Oh, I'm not pissy or anything -- I just think it's worthwhile to lay out the thought process behind that, since it really is a deliberate choice.
While I grok that it's possible to read as hostile, I do believe this is in part because most people just don't write files in the same tone in which people typically talk around a gaming table.
To me, that's unfortunate, because it sets up false expectations, instead of reinforcing the simple fact that, top to bottom, every single bit of what's going on there is people interacting with people.
Just as a general note, there's still a couple of things in here that I haven't answered yet -- but did notice and am thinking about. (The 'underdogs' one in particular; that's a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng answer with a bunch of stuff I think is worth the time to give in full, a lot of it open-ended enough that there's some input very desired there, and time's been super limited because...)
...we're heading out for a 24 hour drive in a little while to the (oh so fucking needed omg) yearly vacation. I have no laptop, so, uh. While I may be able to check in from the tablet, my finger-typing-fu is the ultimate in weaksauce. (No, really, I just got my first mobile phone on Friday, y'all, this is going to be funny as fuck, feel laugh at me and know you are laughing with me here at the same time.
) So please don't think I'm ignoring questions or concerns -- I'm just way less connected than usual for the next two weeks.