I finished it! And I can still kind of feel my fingers! And my shoulder isn't on fire! (from drawing)
Just really excited... Also it's given me some momentum to draw other things. I'm so stoked I'm going to use the word "stoked".

Best posts made by BlueBird
RE: RL things I love
RE: RL things I love
After a torn rotator cuff injury that went too long undiagnosed during the peak of Covid shutdowns, FINALLY getting back to drawing.
My daughter is almost five, and finally at that stage where I can say "Mommy needs a little time to herself to work", and she gets it. For about fifteen to twenty minutes.
But damnit if I'm not finally retraining myself how to draw and paint, fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. xDThe person who commissioned that drawing has been a patient, near saint like person. Figuring this out has taken me at least three times longer than was typical. So... Just really excited that it's coming together.
Can't wait to get started on some new things.Also, more random but, my kid has crazy-in-the-humidity hair like I do, and I love it so much.
RE: The Dog Thread
The Child woke up way too damn early. So I put on a show and told her to give mommy a few minutes.
Naturally our Agamemnon took this to mean he was allowed onto the bed, too.
He's 12 years old and has achey hips, so I was shocked he got up there in one unassisted jump. So he got to stay.
They're both lucky they're cute.
RE: The Dog Thread
When he was a chubby puppy with an attitude, we thought it would be appropriate.
Turns out he's afraid of everything, and not quite the war general we were hoping the name would live up to xD
Love the fluff monster anyway. And he looks fierce enough he once kept a burglar away, and my asshole oldest brother in law from interacting with our daughter. So ... I'm cool with it >.>This was the night we got him. About three months old.
RE: Picrew Characters!
Haha, fun...
Anahi, my hyper awkward vulture/blackbird changeling.
Found some of the other styles, and liked this for one of my other old chars. This was Red, another Changeling. Made out of ink and light, idk. It's been a while.
And now I really want to go draw my old characters... Which I've never done. And is weird, now that I'm thinking about it since I'm literally a portrait artist lol.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
During Covid, we've been keeping our circle of folks who we'll see, to the friends we've known since high school, and know who work from home and are as antisocial.
In January, we had them over for "Game Night" and dinner as is usual for us. One of our friends called us the next day to inform us that their mom, who they live with but don't really see or interact with, has Covid and didn't say anything about it to anyone even though she went and got a positive test. Apparently the mom didn't believe it was real, but her work made her go get tested or something.
All eight of us ended up with Covid-19. Two of us are immunocompromised. Thankfully we all ended up generally alright, but my lungs have been a wreck ever since.
Angry doesn't quite cover it for me.
I say all this to say.... Yes we knew there was a risk with having people in our home anyway...but the way it came about just pisses me off, since spreading it could have been avoided.
People suck. -
RE: Audio-books
For a while when I was a kid, I was convinced I was going to be a theoretical astro physicist. So that sounds very cool.
Thanks! -
RE: Character likeness
That has legitimately happened in a scene I was in, before. Only it was Orlando Bloom at the height of LotR/Legolas prettiness. People are silly."I've been having some weird ethical concerns about taking a real person's face to use as my character's lately,"
1000% understand this. I'd be so creeped out if suddenly someone decided to use my face as the face of a made up character someone else plays as, and likely does questionable activities to some degree or another.
But I'm also an asshole and, when I was still making characters, just tried not to think about it.
Don't know if it'd be the same these days or not. -
RE: Good TV
So satisfying!
My only real complaint about the season are all the extra June "eye shots". Like...we get it, she's tough and intense and going through some stuff. Move along.
Definitely need to watch something more happy now though, haha.
Latest posts made by BlueBird
RE: The Dog Thread
When he was a chubby puppy with an attitude, we thought it would be appropriate.
Turns out he's afraid of everything, and not quite the war general we were hoping the name would live up to xD
Love the fluff monster anyway. And he looks fierce enough he once kept a burglar away, and my asshole oldest brother in law from interacting with our daughter. So ... I'm cool with it >.>This was the night we got him. About three months old.
RE: The Dog Thread
The Child woke up way too damn early. So I put on a show and told her to give mommy a few minutes.
Naturally our Agamemnon took this to mean he was allowed onto the bed, too.
He's 12 years old and has achey hips, so I was shocked he got up there in one unassisted jump. So he got to stay.
They're both lucky they're cute.
RE: In need of some wordy creativity
Oh cool!Next question then...
Wtf is Ares?
I've seen folks talk about it a bit, but not totally sure what it is. And not sure my Googling attempts are finding the correct thing.
Quick link or point in the right direction? n.n. -
In need of some wordy creativity
Hey folks!
I know Play by Post doesn't exactly seem to be ...popular at all, idk...
But I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for places to try it out?I no longer have the time to MU* in real ish time, which makes me kinda sad. But really in need of some wordy creativity that isn't just me in an echo chamber of my own shitty writing.
RE: RL things I love
I finished it! And I can still kind of feel my fingers! And my shoulder isn't on fire! (from drawing)
Just really excited... Also it's given me some momentum to draw other things. I'm so stoked I'm going to use the word "stoked". -
RE: Good TV
So satisfying!
My only real complaint about the season are all the extra June "eye shots". Like...we get it, she's tough and intense and going through some stuff. Move along.
Definitely need to watch something more happy now though, haha.
RE: Picrew Characters!
Haha, fun...
Anahi, my hyper awkward vulture/blackbird changeling.
Found some of the other styles, and liked this for one of my other old chars. This was Red, another Changeling. Made out of ink and light, idk. It's been a while.
And now I really want to go draw my old characters... Which I've never done. And is weird, now that I'm thinking about it since I'm literally a portrait artist lol.
RE: Audio-books
For a while when I was a kid, I was convinced I was going to be a theoretical astro physicist. So that sounds very cool.
Thanks! -
RE: RL things I love
Thank you!
It's about halfway done now. Fingers keep going numb when I try to work on it again. Ugh.
Tomorrow's another day.
Nice to get in even a few minutes of drawing though.
Nice enough I keep excited rambling about it. And anything else that pops into my head.