@Thenomain It seems to happen when people on Duck connect with SSL. Having them turn off SSL makes it stop.
Fear and Loathing (Official Thread)
@Thenomain It seems to happen when people on Duck connect with SSL. Having them turn off SSL makes it stop.
- 14 days later
So I just want to give props to the Vampire sphere on F&L. I've never been much of a vampire player in general, let alone nWoD, but I've been giving it a chance. Luxor is doing a great job and the players themselves have been really welcoming.
I dunno how anything on the rest of the game is, but Vampire's been good to me.
- 9 days later
So, outta curiosity... basically any sort of negative review of a place gets moved out of an ad thread where potential players cannot necessarily see it? So all games, no matter how toxic, look like shining beacons of the community? Just want to be clear. Because the Hog Pit isn't seen by all people, and it seems jilted to diminish fairness in review. it's like saying that google makes you post to another site to place a 1 star review on a restaurant. On Google, you can only do 5 star reviews.
@shelbeast said in Fear and Loathing (Official Thread):
So, outta curiosity... basically any sort of negative review of a place gets moved out of an ad thread where potential players cannot necessarily see it? So all games, no matter how toxic, look like shining beacons of the community? Just want to be clear. Because the Hog Pit isn't seen by all people, and it seems jilted to diminish fairness in review. it's like saying that google makes you post to another site to place a 1 star review on a restaurant. On Google, you can only do 5 star reviews.
In this case it was moved because it was known that it would descend into a very negative place. Not just 'negative review' but badtimes.
Still looks pretty sus.
@auspice I think that, maybe, if someone other than someone gushing all the time about the game (indicating a clear bias), had made that call...
In that case, I'll just leave a polite note here that this game was not for me, that I left because I felt my friends and I were not welcome as new players to Vampire and people who came in with hooks to each other, and that while I think there are fun players on the game and even staffers who I enjoyed, I have to disagree with @Auspice's assessment of Luxor. F&L is extremely active especially in the Vampire sphere and there is no doubt play to be found there.
I don't think the only information available in an ad thread should be positives.
I will follow @saosmash and say that I have found staff to be extremely and maliciously biased and pointed towards favoritism, which leads to an uneven play experience. You will either be accepted into the in crowd and find it a RP wonderland, or you will see it as the toxic environment that it is. What you do with that is your decision to make.
@saosmash said in Fear and Loathing (Official Thread):
In that case, I'll just leave a polite note here that this game was not for me, that I left because I felt my friends and I were not welcome as new players to Vampire and people who came in with hooks to each other, and that while I think there are fun players on the game and even staffers who I enjoyed, I have to disagree with @Auspice's assessment of Luxor. F&L is extremely active especially in the Vampire sphere and there is no doubt play to be found there.
I don't think the only information available in an ad thread should be positives.
@auspice Please do. Thank you.
My time spent playing on F&L was also terrible, and led me to decide that the game was not for me, or for anybody I know.
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General best practice may be, in future, to choose between getting down in the mud in a thread and being the mod who mods it. I don't wanna pick on Auspice here, I just think it may be an appearance thing that will save everyone from dumb drama in the long run.
@shelbeast Unfortunately, this was my experience as well, as I commented to a friend of mine as I left the place many moons ago. As it seems it was not an isolated event, there it is, I will give it the SunnyJ Seal of Scorn.
Powerful stuff. Soul-rattling.
I was the one who called for the removal, actually. There wasn't much of a discussion. I said that it needed to be moved, and it was moved. Arkandel can confirm.
I've made it clear what my opinion is regarding advertisements. Normally, I ask an OP for a game advertisement if they would like us to split off and move a discussion elsewhere. Here, I am all-but-certain that Paris and Botulism will not be returning, so I did not contact them. My last conversations with Paris, however, suggested to me that they would rather not have any additional potshot-taking on their advertisement. So, I asked if either Arkandel or Auspice would split off and move the discussion elsewhere.
Suggesting some sort of bias on Auspice's part for doing her duty as moderator is out of line and dead-ass wrong. I've been trying to keep the Advertisement thread clean because I want there to be a place where people can advertise their games without having to worry about their posts being shat on right from the start. Even if we may hate and loathe what other people say or do, we all owe it to one another to have the decency and the smidgen of respect to do it in the area created for shit-flinging.
We've talked a lot about safe spaces on games. I hope I am being crystal clear as to what everyone can expect regarding Advertisements moving forward so long as Arkandel wants to keep me around with a hat.
It takes some creativity to view removing a game review with the line, "This game is mostly made out of the sexually frustrated rejects of another MU" as suspect. Like if you're looking to give an even-handed warning to people maybe dial back the sweeping insults on a forum with the description:
The Advertisements section of the forum is meant to do exactly that, bring new or upcoming games to our attention, answer basic questions and hype them up.
Don't take this as defense for the game or the conduct of those on it. I just think the productive side of this website nis better served by keeping commentary where it should be. If someone opens up an interesting game, I want to look through their Ad thread for the setting, mechanics, and in-game news, not have that interspersed with a lot of commentary.
@ganymede It's cool, and I understand why the call was made, and all that. It just doesn't look good when @Auspice is full on white knighting the game, AND is the one who puts all the complaints over onto a new thread in a place that isn't accessed by the entirety of the public. The accusation may be dead-ass wrong, but it doesn't change how it looked. I'm not trying to point fingers or mud fling. I'm just asking, as Auspice already said, that in the future, maybe a little bit of care was taken in considering who is the public face of such moves.
Now the interrogation begins.
@Auspice, how many times have you attended IC orgies with F&L's staff?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I think that's a fair assessment.
For the time being, if something is moved from this arena to the Hog Pit you may assume that I requested that it be moved.
If my tone is defensive, it is because I find that imputing a malicious intent behind an act to someone who is actually doing something within their duties and obligations on my account to be unnecessary.
So, let's be fair: my request; my mistake; and let's end this here. I already feel like shit about it.
@ganymede Consider it done. No worries.