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Mira from Arx
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@thenomain I like this one best.
(That picture came out much longer than I intended. I am not going back to fix it because just...look at all...that. Laurence Fishburne, I hope it's worth it.)
I look at that and I wonder, how does she keep that hat on? I imagine it’s hat pins. That is, she could accidentally jab it into her head while just putting on her hat. Yet more proof that if all I have to do is werat a tie every day, I am easily a hundred times more comfortable than a woman, and that this has been true for at least two centuries.
@thenomain FWIW, from a costume pedant, the pins were not often super sharp. I have a few somewhere, or did at one point.
Know how people put a chopstick or a pencil through their hair to hold up a bun? Similar principle. It only has to be sharp enough to poke through the hat material. It just sorta... uses the hair as an anchor.
The modern reproduction ones you see most often are actually a lot sharper, and blunt much more slowly than the real Victorian ones, since they're usually plated steel instead of brass, copper, or silver, all of which dull and smooth out the point more quickly than plated steel.