It warms my cold, cold heart to know that DB is still kicking around. Old soldiers never die, and such. Very neat that you're preserving it.
TGG/The Greatest Generation People
It warms my cold, cold heart to know that DB is still kicking around. Old soldiers never die, and such. Very neat that you're preserving it.
6 months to the day just about, and I've set up account (thanks @ixokai !) to get the old girl back up and rebuilt from careful copypasta.
At my pace, this is going to take a while. Like, it might be Christmastime before it's done. But figured I should say something on it.
I can feel MUSH itch slowly developing again, so my thoughts turn to Normandy...
War without end... -
@three-eyed-crow said in TGG/The Greatest Generation People:
War without end..."The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums."
@three-eyed-crow said in TGG/The Greatest Generation People:
War without end..."War? War never changes."
If new people are allowed, I am there with bells on.
@cupcake I think it's going to take a pain in the ass rebuild, but yeah... once I'm done I'll want to show it off.
If @EUBanana gets it up and running stable (me I think there's unrecoverable database corruption, but I'm sooooo not on his level haha), well that'll be his call for his.
I'll say this right here, I'm certainly sending him the flatfile of whatever rebuild I complete.
I wish I could remember the name of the character I played. All I remember was that he was a Punjabi soldier of some flavor or another.
@apu said in TGG/The Greatest Generation People:
I wish I could remember the name of the character I played. All I remember was that he was a Punjabi soldier of some flavor or another.
Can you remember which campaign he was in? Was that Gallipoli? I seem to remember a few Indian soldiers there.
Bhagyamma maybe?
Mmmmmmmmmaybe? Could be.
ETA: Might've been Gallipoli. Am pretty certain it was during WWI, at any rate.
@apu I think he's right, I think it was Baggy
And here I was, thinking he was a character who had been lost to time, Thanks, guys.
I remember BhagyammaI have a lot of nostalgia for Gallipoli. WW1 is still my favorite, and it hit at the time I could be most involved OOCly in helping it along. Always been happy about how it came off (and how history gives you a natural end point to something).
I always lamented not being more of a history buff like a lot of the players there seemed to be, but I did enjoy my time there, brief as it was.
@three-eyed-crow said in TGG/The Greatest Generation People:
I remember BhagyammaI have a lot of nostalgia for Gallipoli. WW1 is still my favorite, and it hit at the time I could be most involved OOCly in helping it along. Always been happy about how it came off (and how history gives you a natural end point to something).
The Battle of the Nek was as awesome as I hoped it would be.
@three-eyed-crow said in TGG/The Greatest Generation People:
I have a lot of nostalgia for Gallipoli.
Indeed. The WWI arcs were awesome, though Guadalcanal is still my fav.
Well I got the Linode set up, with a $20 credit (there was a code, PodcastInIT2018) and giving @ixokai a $20 credit for his referral code too. Quite nice!
It's currently just a blank Fedora 27 box.
I'm enjoying it already, pretty easy to set up. Makes AWS look like the Byzantine empire.
@jim-nanban said in TGG/The Greatest Generation People:
Well I got the Linode set up, with a $20 credit (there was a code, PodcastInIT2018) and giving @ixokai a $20 credit for his referral code too. Quite nice!
It's currently just a blank Fedora 27 box.
I'm enjoying it already, pretty easy to set up. Makes AWS look like the Byzantine empire.
AWS is just super bare, so if you want something, anything (like, g++ compilers) then you need to install it. Which makes it a PITA.