Have you ever wondered how fast a greyhound could run?
Apparently fast enough so that they can catch up to a car already on the opposite end of the street.
Our Norwegian Forestcat Pyewacket
Arlo was majestic af today
Oya gives you the side eye.
This is also Oya's basket now.
Okay likes to sleep behind me.
Or tell me not to be on the computer so much and to pay attention to her instead...
BONUS! Pupper! ...he's not mine but he's sweet as hell. He's a six or seven month old German Shepherd hat already reaches my waist. He's huge!
ETA: Anyone know why some of these are sideways? They're not sideways on discord...

My Sina kitteh blocking my MUing.
This post is deleted! -
Today is Rock's birthday! He is 6!
Here is Rock looking betrayed in a party hat.
Ulthar turns 2 in Feb. I will post stuff if I remember to.
This is our girl, who just died, objecting to a walk during an Australian heat wave
This is her, having had major surgery after a disc burst, relearning to walk
This is our other old man (died last year) being oblivious to being swooped by Aussie magpies
We are now dogless for the first time ever.... It is so wrong but we're out all the time so it wouldn't be fair. Did you know that, if you sponser a dog, you can send it presents?
Did you know that, if you sponser a dog, you can send it presents?
I am sorry to hear about your losses, but one of the reasons I love to participate in the redditgifts secret Santa for pets (other than to see what people get for my kitties) is so I can spoil other people's pets.
I dunno what it is, but buying things for critters is a lot of fun!
Did you know that, if you sponser a dog, you can send it presents?
I am sorry to hear about your losses, but one of the reasons I love to participate in the redditgifts secret Santa for pets (other than to see what people get for my kitties) is so I can spoil other people's pets.
I dunno what it is, but buying things for critters is a lot of fun!
Thank you. We sent the rescue dog we sponsor a soft blanket and a toy... and got a letter back that pathetically made me all sniffly. I'm reduced to cuddling patient's dogs
@jinshei I'm so sorry for the loss of your pups!
@jinshei I'm so sorry to hear. I hope you have the opportunity to give a pup some love in the future.
@JinShei I am so, so sorry about the loss of your puppies. Even hearing about other people losing dogs I've never met makes me go all watery-eyed.
@auspice I thought the top was my cat for a moment, and was confused. XD
Norma Jean
And then I take care of other people's pets and have tons of pictures from them.