Jan 23, 2018, 3:53 AM

@tyche Yeah, it gets seriously ridiculous. It's like 'OK, so how do I set this up so I don't get all of the penalties and none of the benefits?' after a while.

We actually had the communal talk about replacing the computer -- since, uh, highish-end iMac Pro, not a small expense, I think the one we specced was $11200 before required peripherals? -- and all decided 'we will do that after we figure out what all of our taxes are going to look like and we can double-check with the accountant re: what will be different for the coming year'. (My usual budget for the year is about $7k for materials, show fees, etc. combined, so that's a fair bit over. I'm good on materials at the moment thanks to some well-placed bulk orders the last two years, but still have about $1k in show fees. We were going to do display replacements this year -- super needed -- but we got halfway there last year and the other half can wait until next so we can start addressing the 'year round income/this computer is from 2010 and sounds like it wants to explode' issues first.)

We all go in together so we can go get dinner afterward, and force my husband, who doesn't drink, to drive us home, because it's the one night a year we ever do.